12 Crucial Things to Do Before Twins Arrive (From a Real, Slightly Sleep-Deprived Twin Mom)
So, you’re expecting twins — congratulations! Grab a seat, a cup of tea, and cozy up. Because I’ve got the scoop on the 12 crucial things to do before twins arrive – and turn your world upside down! I liken raising twins to riding a roller coaster. The highs are so amazing, but you can’t ignore there are lots of dips as well. It’s my firm belief that knowing that ahead of time gives you an edge. It’s an amazing time – but being prepared for the hard times can help save your sanity when you’ve been running on close to empty for what feels like weeks on end.
So, to save you a few panic attacks and frantic twin shopping sprees, here’s your go-to list of what to prep before your twins arrive. And if I scared you in this intro? Don’t worry – I was straight up terrified when I found out I was pregnant with twins, and I can honestly say all the benefits of twins vastly outweigh the hard times. So without further ado, let’s dive into what to do before you have twins!

1. Stock Up on Diapers and Wipes (Like, Really Stock Up)
I know, everyone tells new parents to buy diapers. But trust me: twins mean double the diaper duty. Newborns can go through up to 12 diapers a day. Multiply that by two, and you’re looking at nearly a 25 diaper-per-day operation.
Just picture it—a diaper-wipe assembly line in your very own home. Stockpile different sizes, too, because these tiny humans tend to grow fast.
For more tips on diapering hacks and avoiding diaper blowouts, check out this post about surviving the early days with twins.
2. Assemble the Twin Gear (Double Strollers, Double the Fun)
Shopping for twins is not for the faint hearted. It can be a lot – but we’ve simplified it for you with our Minimalist Twin Registry Checklist. It includes:
- What to add to your twin baby registry
- What to buy yourself
- What to double – and what NOT to double for twins
- What you can skip as a nice-to-have vs. need-to-have
To start, you’ll need a quality double stroller. Do a test drive if possible, because it will be your mobile control station. Think about your lifestyle: do you need it for city strolling, off-roading at the park, or just squeezing it into your car? To help, we’ve rounded up the ultimate guide to twin strollers.
Other must-haves include two car seats, two safe cribs, and some outfits. Remember that not all twin gear needs to be doubled, but getting the essentials squared away can save you the madness of last-minute Amazon sprees.
Twin tip: Make sure you have the essentials ready to go, but hold off on other pieces until after your twins arrive. I can’t tell you how much baby gear we got that we barely used! Keep it in your online cart, so if you find yourself really missing it, it’s just a click away.
3. Set Up a Changing Station (or Three)
When you’re hauling two babies around, every second counts. For this reason, you’ll want a couple of changing stations around the house.
Even if you have a dedicated nursery, it’s smart to set up a little “pop-up” changing station in the living room or wherever you’ll be spending time with the babies. Stash diapers, wipes, creams, and a few extra onesies there.
Twin tip: Keep a little basket of essentials in the car. There will be epic diaper blowouts at some point, no matter how well you prep!
4. Freezer Meal Prep: To Keep Your Energy Up
Next on the list of things to do before twins arrive is prepping to make sure future you has something to eat other than crackers and cold coffee. Think of it as your love letter to your future, sleep-deprived self: meal prep like you’re training for an Ironman.
Great things to double up on are soups, casseroles, breakfasts, and easy-to-reheat meals. Because once you twins arrive, there will be days when cooking is likely to feel about as appealing as hiking Everest.
5. Get Help on Speed Dial: Grandparents, Friends, the Pizza Guy
Having twins is not the time of life to be shy. Whether it’s family, friends, neighbors, or your old college roommate, let people help. You are likely to have people say those magic words “let me know how I can help”. It’s your job to have ideas ready.
Line up some backup before the babies come. If someone offers to bring you dinner or babysit while you shower, accept. In fact, make a list of chores, meals, or tasks you could use help with.
I know this can be hard for some people. It was so hard for me, that I simply said “thanks!”, then continued to struggle on my own. I believe in it so much, that in How to Thrive with Twins™, I have a whole module dedicated to support – the paid options, the free options, the overnight options, the wording to ask, how to cater support to a person’s strengths, and way more.
6. Consider a Night Doula or Postpartum Support
Speaking of support, if your budget allows, a night doula or some form of postpartum support is worth its weight in gold. Having an experienced set of hands for those nighttime feedings or witching-hour fussiness can be a lifesaver.
Think of it as investing in your sanity, which will be in short supply during those first few months. Another great option (which was my favorite) is to get someone starting at 7am, so when the twins wake up you can pass them over, and keep sleeping for hours longer.
Twin Tip: Look into resources like DONA International for finding a certified doula in your area.

7. Prep for Sleep (Yours and Theirs)
I love sleep. I sooo love sleep. And sleep with twins is going to be…well, an elusive beast. I write extensively on twin sleep tips, but my top suggestion is this: use this pre-twins time to read up on the various sleep training options and safe sleep setups before your twins arrive.
Why? Because you do not want to be making important sleep decisions in the throes of your own sleep exhaustion. Read the pros & cons of each, when to start each program, and come up with your top and backup options now, while you have time.
Also consider if you want to sleep in the same room as your babies or not, who is going to cover which hours, what sleep tools you’ll use (e.g., blackout curtains, white noise apps, fans, etc.), your schedule for twins at various ages, how to get more sleep yourself as a twin mom, and more.
Covering your bases now will put you in the best position for all of you to be as well rested as you can be during likely one of the busier times of your life.
8. Organize the Closets and Drawers (Marie Kondo Would Be Proud)
If your clothes and closet are a mess now, just imagine what they’ll look like once you’re juggling two babies with mountains of twin baby gear added to the pile.
Now is the time to do a major purge of your clothes and get rid of anything you don’t love or use. The good news is, nesting can often kick in during the 3rd trimester with twins, manifesting in a desire to declutter and get your home in order for your baby’s arrival.
But even if that instinct doesn’t kick in, there’s no reason you can’t kick into gear on your own and clear things out. This way, when you’re running on a few scant hours of sleep, you’ll be able to find clothes that actually fit and are spitup free – score!
9. Pick Out Baby Names (and Practice Saying Both Names Really Fast)
Naming one baby is tough, but two? That’s like getting stuck in a never-ending baby-naming feedback loop.
Once you pick names, practice saying them back-to-back, because you’ll be hollering them out in tandem a lot. You may choose rhyming twin names, twin names that start with the same letter, mythical twin names, religious twin names, or twin names that simply sound great together.
Either way, we have you covered! We’ve rounded up hundreds of twin name combinations for all gender combos:
10. Decide on Your Feeding Game Plan
With twins, feeding can take up most of your day (and night). Will you breastfeed, bottle-feed, or a mix of both? Look into your options, because each one has its own unique set of challenges and rewards when it comes to twins. Some twin moms breastfeed with tandem pillows, while others swear by bottle-feeding for the extra flexibility.
No matter what you choose, you’ll want to be prepared in advance, with everything you’ll need: bottles, formula, pumping equipment, etc. Also, don’t forget that your Plan A might not end up working, for a myriad of reasons, so having a Plan B ready is so helpful. And finally, don’t hesitate to ask for help if (ahem, when) you need it!
Twin Tip: The La Leche League offers some fantastic resources for breastfeeding moms, including moms of twins.
11. Create a Postpartum Care Kit (You Deserve It)
This one’s for you, momma. Have a basket ready with everything you need to make recovery as comfortable as possible. Items like a large water bottle (you need a lot of hydration if breastfeeding), yummy snacks, nursing pads, witch hazel, a spare charger, and a favorite cozy robe are great starting points.
Postpartum isn’t always glamorous – but having a few essentials close by can make the healing process a bit more manageable.
12. Plan Your First Outing (Yes, You’ll Go Outside Eventually!)
Look, I know leaving the house with two newborns sounds borderline insane. But that first outing is a milestone and a memory you’ll cherish.
Whether it’s a short walk or a coffee run, just getting out will help you feel like yourself again. Plan for it, if only to reassure yourself that you will eventually go back out into the world.
Twin Tip: If your hormones are going a little wild in the first two weeks after childbirth, know that can be very normal. Tears during your first outing? Totally common.
13. Bonus Tip: Patience
Our last thing to do before twins arrive is a funny one. Because here’s the hard truth: there will be a hard day. Even if you prepare all the above, and more, there will very likely come a day that breaks you down. When that happens, know you’re in good company – every single twin mom I’ve spoken to had a day so much harder than they expected that it brought them to tears.
I fell to the floor and cried along my twins more than once, whether from hormones, sleep exhaustion, or nonstop twin crying. But don’t forget this: it gets better.
Know that even in the depths of it, you are a great twin mom and are doing SO much for your babies. Just because it’s hard, does not mean you are doing a bad job. Parenting is simply an impossible job, and crying means you’re human. However if it ever becomes too much, remember there are tons of mental health resources available to new parents. And you had twins! Take advantage of all the options available and know this period of life truly is a short time in the totality of your life. And it will get better mama.

Final Twin Mom Truths
Having twins is an incredible, wild ride. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll drink a lot of cold coffee. But all the prep you do now will be so worth it once they arrive.
So check off your list of things to do before twins arrive, and give yourself a big high-five. You’re already an amazing twin mom, even if the babies haven’t arrived yet. Welcome to the club! It’s chaotic, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.
For more tips on twin life, like balancing sleep schedules and managing the early chaos, don’t miss our Twin Survival Guide on TwinWinning and our industry leading course How to Thrive with Twins™ – a 4 hour deep dive on all things twins, complete with worksheets & videos, so you’re fully prepared to have an amazing first year with twins. Here’s what we include:

And if you want to connect with other twin moms or just need a place to vent about endless diaper changes, feel free to join our TwinWinning community.
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