Week 13 Twin Pregnancy: Hello 2nd Trimester with Twins!
Time for another twin pregnancy milestone! Your week 13 twin pregnancy recap means you’ve officially entered your second trimester with twins – cue the confetti! Many twin moms say the second trimester is the best trimester – less morning sickness, yet avoiding the discomforts that come later in a twin pregnancy.
So, enjoy, relax, and let’s dive into the start of your second trimester pregnant with twins in your week 13 twin pregnancy recap.
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Symptoms at 13 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
As you start your second trimester with twins, you’ll hopefully see some symptoms like nausea start to fade away (but not for everyone). That said, you’re not out of the woods entirely! In addition to some of the symptoms from week 12 and earlier, here are some symptoms of a week 13 pregnancy with twins that you might be noticing.
- Increased sense of smell: You’re likely picking up on scents around you – both good and bad. For many women, their sense of smell is heightened around this time. That means your pregnancy aversions are still likely going strong. Whether it’s certain foods, cleaning products, personal care items or more, your nose is working overdrive right now.
- Increased energy levels: While you might have been exhausted in the first trimester, the second trimester is when women usually find some of the energy returns.
- Increased libido: Heya! Many women notice their sex drive returning as they enter the 2nd trimester. As long as your doctor has cleared it, enjoy!
- Visible veins: Your blood sure is pumping. If you notice your veins being a bit more visible and prominent, you’re not imagining things. Your body is already starting to produce more blood, meaning blue veins and spider veins are both more common. The good news is these should likely fade back to normal after your twin pregnancy is over.

Twin Development at 13 Weeks
Your two little lemons are busy growing in week 13!
Your twins are already starting to produce urine, and may even start sucking their little adorable thumbs. This can be great training for when they’re born and learning to self-soothe.
Also in week 13, your twin babies will start developing vocal cords. That said, those vocal cords won’t be put to use until their birthday, when they give their first big cry upon entering the world (and many more after that!).
The placenta (or in your case, maybe placentaS) is also growing. Each placenta can weigh up to 2 pounds by the time you give birth. The weight you gain during a twin pregnancy is more than just the weight of the twins after all! There’s also the amniotic fluid, placentas, extra blood your body produces, extra fat stores, larger breasts, and more.
To Do: 13 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
- Start ramping up caloric intake. While in the first trimester with twins you likely won’t need any additional calories, the second trimester is another story. In the 2nd trimester with twins, you’ll need an extra 340 calories per day, per baby. Some experts even recommend ramping up weight gain in the 2nd trimester even more, as it’s correlated to higher birth rates.
- Buy a great maternity bra. You’ll be gaining weight in more than just your belly! Your breasts will get bigger throughout your twin pregnancy as well.
- Look into child care. Already?? Yes. You won’t look back on this time and wish you had delayed finding a great childcare option. Many daycares start taking names the moment you become pregnant, so be sure you’ve looked into this vital step.
- Think about telling others. As you enter the 2nd trimester, you’ve likely started telling friends and family you’re expecting two little ones. How exciting! Around now is a great time to think about how to tell your employer as well. With remote work options, more women are given flexibility on this, however if you’re in an office it won’t be long before people notice that bump starting to show. Whether this is the week you’re ready or not, be sure to have a plan in place and answers ready – you won’t regret it.
- Incorporate great foods. Ensuring you have the right amount of nutrients like iron, calcium, etc. is really important in any pregnancy, but especially in a twin pregnancy. Yes, you’re likely also taking a prenatal vitamin and potentially iron supplements too if recommended by your provider. But getting vitamins directly from food as well is a top notch way to ensure you’re doing what you can for your growing babies. Consider an app like My Fitness Pal, which can track rough amounts of vitamins like iron, calcium, and more.

Size of Twins at 13 Weeks
At 13 weeks pregnant, each twin will be roughly the size of a lemon (2.9 inches long, or roughly 9cm, and around 0.81 ounces). Your twins’ heads are a whopping 1/3 the size of their bodies!
By the end of the second trimester, they will have grown to the size of a head of kale, at about 14 inches long. Look at all that growth that happens in this short period! No wonder it’s time to up your calories.
Questions Twin Moms Had for their Doctors
When it comes to medical appointments when pregnant with twins, you’re sure to have many questions. Starting a notepad and keeping track of questions as they arise will help ensure you don’t miss any important asks of your doctor.
- Is there anything I should know as I enter the 2nd trimester with twins?
- How many calories should I eat in the 2nd trimester with twins?
- Should I be feeling twins kick at 13 weeks?
- How big of a bump should I have at 13 weeks pregnant with twins?
- How big are twins at 12 weeks pregnant?
- When will my next twin ultrasound be?
- How is a twin pregnancy considered high risk?
- What should I do differently in the 2nd trimester of a twin pregnancy?
Twin Pregnancy Belly Photos: Week 13

When do you start showing with twins?
At 13 weeks pregnant with twins you’ll likely have a twin bump showing already – though every woman’s body is different. You still may be able to hide it with loose tops (if that’s your goal), but it’s also likely those close to you are able to tell by now.
Either way, be sure to have answers for any inquiring (or nosy) minds – especially colleagues and your boss.
Tips for a Good 13th Week Pregnant with Twins
First off, celebrate. You have made it through the first trimester with twins!
You’ve made it through the nausea, the aches, the exhaustion, the morning sickness, the aversions, all the other physical symptoms – and the shock in finding out you were expecting not just one baby, but two babies!
Be proud of yourself mama. You are doing something incredible. Not many people on this earth have had the experience of growing twins.
Give yourself a little healthy celebration. Growing twins can be hard work, and you’re doing it! Maybe take yourself to a spa, have a get together with some friends, or do a (pregnancy-safe) activity you’ve always wanted to try. You deserve it!
Pregnant with twins? Follow along @TwinWinning on social for the latest & greatest in all things twins!
Articles to Read this Week
Last Week: Twin Pregnancy Week 12
Next Week: Twin Pregnancy Week 14
How to Thrive with Twins™ : The Program
What Not to Buy When Having Twins
Twin Pregnancy Week By Week Experience
Twin Pregnancy To Do List (free download)
- https://www.thebump.com/pregnancy-week-by-week/13-weeks-pregnant
- https://www.nhs.uk/start-for-life/pregnancy/week-by-week-guide-to-pregnancy/2nd-trimester/week-13/
- https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/week-13.aspx
- https://www.babycenter.ca/s1001610/13-weeks-pregnant