200+ Unique Boy / Girl Twin Name Ideas
Figuring out what to name your twins? It’s not easy, especially when expecting boy-girl twins! What are some good names for boy and girl twins in this modern era of baby naming? What are some twin name ideas that aren’t too corny? Or, you may be looking for boy girl twin name ideas with meaning. Have no fear – we did the research on the top 200+ unique boy girl twin name ideas!
Having twin boys or twin girls? We also have articles on 200+ Unique Twin Boy Name Ideas and 200+ Unique Twin Girl Name ideas.
No matter which direction you decide to go in, if you’re pregnant with twins and looking for unique names for boy girl twins, this post is built to give you inspiration!
When you’re going through the below list of twin name ideas be sure to try these:
- Say the names together, out loud. Try writing signatures. See how they feel.
- Think of not only how the names sound as twin baby names, but also when they’re kids, when they’re teenagers, and when they’re heading off to start their careers
- Do you want complimentary names or totally different names? Should they be of similar length? Intentionally not starting with the same letter? Be connected in some way?
- Remember, people will offer A LOT of opinions (as with everything babies!), but you’ll know it when it’s right.
Expecting Twins?
If you’re pregnant with twins, here are a few other articles to help your twin journey:
- Taking Care of Twins in the First Year: The Ultimate Guide
- 10 Things To Do Before Twins Arrive to Make Life Easier
- Ultimate Minimalist Twin Registry Checklist
- Twin Pregnancy Week by Week Experience
- What NOT to Buy When Having Twins
And without further ado, let’s dive into the 200+ unique twin boy girl name ideas!

Below, we’ll go through:
- Popular twin name ideas for boys & girls
- Boy Girl twin names that start with the same letter
- Biblical twin name ideas
- Mythological twin name ideas
- Matching twin names for boys & girls
- Celebrity twin names – girl & boy edition
- And even rhyming twin names (yes, some still like them, and we aim to be comprehensive!)
Popular Names for Boy Girl Twins
First up, popular twin name ideas for boys & girls!
These are a mix of traditional and modern, unique and trending. Feel free to mix & match and see which of these twin name combinations works best for you!
- August & Theodora
- Aurelio & Ophelia
- Arden & Margot
- Arlo & Willa
- Atlas & Eden
- Blake & Caellie
- Bristol & Ophelia
- Calder & Braelyn
- Edison & Helena
- Evan & Emma
- Carter & Juliette
- Charlie & Alice
- Calder & Braelyin
- Elliott & Elsie
- Harrison & Halle
- Hudson & Knox
- Jackson & Grace
- Jack & Emma
- Jasper & Soliel
- Kyler & Lennox
- Landon & Juniper
- Lane & Hazel
- Maverick & Madeline
- Max & Mira
- Nate & Clementine
- Noah & Sophia
- Oberon & Odette
- Oliver & Serena
- Parker & Harper
- Pierce & Cyra
- Rhysand & Eloise
- Rhodes & Demi
- Stanton & Monroe
- Wells & Bronwin
- Willie & Olivia

Twin Boy Girl Names that Start with the Same Letter
Not sure you want to go with matching boy girl names but want your twins’ names to be connected in some way?
Consider boy and girl names that start with the same letter. There are so many options to you, but here are a few of the top ones we’ve seen on naming lists lately, or just really beautiful name combinations.
- Alder & Adair
- Alex & Amelia
- Andrew & Allie
- Arlo & Ava
- Ash & Amber
- Amy & Amos
- Andrew & Annie
- Caleb & Callie
- Callen & Clea
- Calvin & Chloe
- Christopher & Cassie
- Declan & Delany
- Ethan & Emma
- Etan & Ella
- Elliott & Elvira
- Elijah & Ellie
- Everette & Evie
- Finn & Felicity
- Henry & Hannah
- Idris & Inez
- Kale & Kylie
- Luca & Lucy
- Landon & London
- Gabe & Gabby
- Matty & Molly
- Miles & Madeline
- Oliver & Olivia
- Oren & Odette
- Rowan & Renee
- Silas & Summer
- Tyler & Taylor
- Thomas & Tessa
- Trey & Tallie
- Quincy & Quinn
- Vincent & Violet
- William & Willa
- Zack & Zoe
- Zane & Zoey

Biblical Twin Names for Boys & Girls
No matter your religious affiliation, some of these biblical name ideas for twins may appeal. For these, we included their meanings and a mix of both biblical boy names and biblical girl names.
Try out combining them and see if you find a combination of twin names that inspires you!
- Abigail — ‘A father’s joy’ & Grace – ‘blessing’
- Adriel – ‘flock of God’ & Victoria— a song
- Diana — ‘Luminous’ & Grace — ‘Blessing’
- Faith — ‘loyalty’ & Hope – ‘expectations’, a popular combination
- Eva — ‘Living’ & Rebecca – soil
- Olive — ‘beauty/dignity’ & Lillian – ‘purity/beauty’
- Esther – ‘secret/hidden’ & Elisha – ‘the Salvation of God’
- Adah — ‘an assembly’ & Jemimah — ‘As beautiful as the day’
- Lois — ‘Better’ & Lydia – ‘standing pool’
- Asher — “happiness”
- Daniel — “God is my judge”
- Andrew — “a strong man”
- Ethan — “strong”
- Jason — “one who cures”
- Jesse — “gift”
- Mark — “polite”
- Micah — “humble”
- Michael — “humble”
- Nathan — “rewarded”
- Noah — “consolation”
- Peter — “a rock”
- Victor — “victory”

Mythological Twin Names for Boys and Girls
Many mythological twin names relate to nature, the elements, and relate to strength. If you’re of Greek decent, these twin name ideas may appeal to you even more!
Add some of these mythological girl names and mythological boy names together and see what you find!
- Althea — Wholesome / to heal
- Aphrodite – the goddess of love
- Astra – of the stars
- Eros – a Greek name meaning dawn
- Artemis — the goddess of the hunt
- Camilla — warrior maiden in ancient Rome
- Athena – the goddess of wisdom, warfare, and courage
- Cassandra – name of the daughter of Troy’s king and queen
- Cassiopeia – mythological mother who became a stellar constellation
- Gaia — goddess of the Earth
- Fortuna – luck, fate, wealth, fortune
- Ziva – bightness and brilliance
- Gwenn — the Celtic goddess of motherhood & Rhea — the mother of the gods
- Hera — the queen of the heavens
- Luna – meaning moon (also a character in Harry Potter)
- Iris – the messenger of the gods
- Juno- the Roman counterpart of Hera
- Lorelei – from German folklore (and also the mom from Gilmore Girls)
- Medea – the woman who helped Jason and the Argonauts
- Phoebe — derived from Phoebus, a Greek Titan & Theia – a Greek Titan
- Penelope – wife of Odysseus & Rhiannon — the Welsh horse goddess
- Selene – a moon goddess & Sheila — Greek goddess of the moon
- Zeus – God of Thunder
- Poseidon – God of the Ocean
- Achilles – powerful warrior
- Damon – God of trust & friendship
- Dylan – Celtic sea creature
- Paris – Trojan prince
- Thor – son of Odin
- Priam – Trojan king
- Arthur – a king from Arthurian legend
- Merlin – the wizard
- Nyx – Greek goddess of the night
- Sol – Roman God and personification of the sun
- Terra – Roman Godess & personification of the earth
- Helios – Greek God and personification of the sun
- Aion – Greek God of eternity
- Aether – Greek God of light

Matching Twin Names for Girls & Boys
The below twin name ideas are connected in some way, many of them in subtle ways. They may be two names based on locations (Dallas & Brooklyn), name ideas base on famous movies (Luke & Leia), names based on nature (River & Willow), on attributes (Valor & Verity), or more.
While matching names have weaned in popularity, you may find one with a subtle connection that is meaningful to you.
- Luke & Leia
- Nick & Nora
- Austin & Brooklyn
- Dallas & Savannah
- Dallas & Georgia
- Bergen & Juneau
- Winter & Summer
- River & Willow
- Cedar & Hollis
- Wren & Dove
- Ochre & Auburn
- Valor & Verity
- Will & Grace

Famous Boy Girl Twin Names
It seems like twins are more popular than ever lately, so it’s no wonder we’re seeing celebrity twins popping up more and more.
Here are a list of famous twins from the stars, some new and some older. While you may not want to name them identical name combinations, maybe one of these twin name ideas will spark inspiration in you!
- Hunter & Scarlett Johansson (did you know Scarlett was a twin?)
- Sir & Rumi Carter (twins of Beyonce)
- Knox & Vivienne (twins of Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt)
- Cole & Dylan Sprouse
- Alexander & Ella Clooney (twins of George Clooney)
- Gideon & Harper (twins of Neil Patrick Harris)
- Phinnaeus & Hazel (twins of Julia Roberts)
- Moroccan & Monroe (twins of Mariah Carey)
- Max & Emme (twins of Jennifer Lopez)
- Tristan & Sasha (twins of Chris Hemsworth)
- Eddie & Nelson (twins of Celine Dion)
- Cy & Bowie (twins of Zoe Saldana)
- Rami & Sami Malek
- Charlie & Poppy (twins of Anna Paquin)
- Alexander & Cleopatra (twins of Cleopatra)
- Slater & Bronwyn (twins of Angela Bassett)

Rhyming Twin Names for Girls & Boys
Yes, I know, people have…strong opinions, let’s say about rhyming names for twins. But whether you love them or loathe them, no list of unique boy girl twin name ideas is complete without a list of rhyming names included!
I actually found it easier to do rhyming names for twin girl name ideas & twin boy name ideas than it was when compiling ideas for twin boy girl names. But have no fear, that list is here too!
In some cases we included the lengthened names, so only their nicknames rhyme, which could be a great way to go the rhyming twin names route.
- Kate & Nate or Tate (Katherine & Nathaniel)
- Danny & Annie (Daniel & Anne)
- Addie & Maddie (Addison & Maddison)
- Leo & Cleo (Leonardo & Cleopatra)
- Blake & Lake
- Owen & Rowen
- Dyan & Milan
- Rhys & Louise
- Luca & Yuka
- Tristan & Kristin
- Zane & Jane
- Cillian & Jillian
- Finn & Quinn
- Harlan & Carlyn
- Ryan & Cian
- Brendan & Meghan
- Teegan & Meegan
- Drew & Sue (Andrew & Susan)
- Cade & Jade
- Lee & Brie
- Bailey & Hailey
- Harry & Carrie
- Warren & Lauren
- Ray & Faye

Unique Name Ideas for Boy Girl Twins
There you have it! 200+ unique boy girl twin name ideas to get the ball rolling on naming your twins.
Having named twins myself, I know that naming your twins is hard (as most things with twins!), but Twin Winning is created to make all things twins easier for you.
Hot twin tip: Start preparing your list, and consider even creating a note on your phone. Anytime you hear of a great name, jot it down, and by the time you reach 8 month pregnant with twins, you’ll have a list to choose from, ready to go!
And congrats again on joining the twin community, mama. Having twins isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but it is so incredible.
As always, remember: having twins can be hard, but there are SO many ways to make them easier. Browse around on this blog and let me know if you have any questions left (seriously, I love hearing from you).
Read Next:
200+ Unique Twin Boy Name Ideas
200+ Unique Twin Girl Name ideas
Having Twins in Your 30s: What You Need to Know
How to Take Care of Twins in the First Year: the Ultimate Resource
Ultimate Minimalist Twin Registry Checklist
Twin Pregnancy Week by Week Experience
What Not to Buy When Having Twins
Follow along on social! @TwinWinning

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