Week 12 Twin Pregnancy: First Trimester with Twins
Are you ready for a twin pregnancy milestone mama? Your week 12 twin pregnancy recap means you’re coming to the end of the first trimester – cue the confetti! As you prepare to move into the 2nd trimester with twins, you’ll hopefully leave behind some of the more uncomfortable twin pregnancy symptoms, like morning sickness and round ligament pains.
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The good news is it also means you’re one step closer to meeting your two little ones! Let’s dive in and go through all things pregnant with twins week 12.
Symptoms at 12 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
As you wrap up the first trimester with twins, you’re in for some good news – some of the more uncomfortable twin symptoms may start to wane. That said, you’re not out of the woods yet! Let’s go through some of the symptoms of twins at 12 weeks.
- Uterus Migrates Up: While a singleton pregnancy means your uterus has grown to the size of a grapefruit, a twin pregnancy means it’s grown even bigger. In fact, it’s starting to move up and above your pelvic bone. Trust me, that bump you’ve been feeling is not your imagination!
- Easing of (some) twin pregnancy symptoms: A perk of the uterus moving up? Less pressure on your bladder…at least for now (just wait until the later weeks). The good news is that other pesky first trimester twin symptoms may be easing as well, such as nausea, vomiting, extreme exhaustion, and round ligament pains, to name a few. If they haven’t eased yet, just give it a few more weeks.
- Light headedness: Around 12 weeks pregnant with twins, blood flow increases to your babies. While that’s good news, it can result in periods of light-headedness for mama – especially if you haven’t eaten for a while or rise suddenly. To help, aim to keep blood pressure and blood sugar levels steady, meaning regular, small meals, and try getting up slowly. And if all else fails and the faintness comes on anyway? Get back down to a seated or reclined position, take deep breaths, and have some cool water.
- Extra Exhaustion: In week 12 of a twin pregnancy, your body is busy building at least one – and in many cases two – placentas. This requires energy, as you can tell by how zapped you’ve been feeling. If you’re struggling to keep your eyes open by 9pm, here is your permission to give into it. Giving yourself the luxury of early bedtimes or weekend naps is very much encouraged. My theory? It’s this is mother nature’s way of preparing you for the next round of exhaustion, arriving in approximately 6 months.

Twin Development at 12 Weeks
Development galore is occurring in your belly this week! Both of your babies should have most of their vital organs and key systems in place by week 12. Can you believe it??
Well done, mama. No wonder you’ve been so exhausted the past few weeks! The next two trimesters will involve maturing these systems and overall growth, but how incredible is it to consider so much of the work is done?
Here are just a few other areas of your twins’ development at 12 weeks.
- Hormone production starts: The pituitary gland, a tiny part of your twins’ brains is already starting to pump out hormones. Not only that – their thyroids have also formed. When you think of all those twin pregnancy hormones coursing through your body, know that as of this week, your babies will one day be able to do the same to host their own pregnancies.
- Intestines move into abdomen: But…where were they, you may wonder? As your twins have been growing at a rapid pace, their intestines were actually growing partially in the umbilical cord. In week 12, however, they move back to their final home of their torsos.
- White blood cells flow: Your babies are already becoming strong germ fighters! White blood cells, a key part of their immunities, are now flowing through their tiny bodies. They’re coming from their bone marrow, which is also in place. Your strong little ones are already preparing for the world!
To Do: 12 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
- Get your flu shot! Having the flu while pregnant with twins doesn’t just feel lousy – you’re also limited in what medications you can take to relieve the discomfort. Talk to your doctor about getting your annual flu shot and any virus vaccines they recommend.
- Stock up on (extra loose) maternity wear. While those cute maternity jeans look great on you now, chances are they will not last you through a twin pregnancy. I was bursting out of my maternity clothes by 29 weeks. Your best bet? Wrap dresses – they’re adjustable, still professional looking, and hard pressed to get too snug.
- Hydration, hydration. Getting dehydrated in a twin pregnancy can cause a host of other issues, including bringing on Braxton Hicks contractions. Try keeping a one liter / quarter gallon glass water bottle by your workstation at all times, and aim to fill it up three times a day.
- Stay clear on what to avoid. By now, most of us know to avoid things like sushi or raw eggs. But did you know raw eggs can be in lots of things, from ice cream, to hollandaise sauce, to salad dressings? And what about beyond food – are all those household products safe to be around, like oven cleaner and cat litter? Talk to your doctor and prepare a list of things to avoid – better informed than sorry.

Size of Twins at 12 Weeks
At 12 weeks pregnant, each twin will be roughly the size of a lime (5-6 centimeters or just over 2 inches, and around 14 grams).
Can you believe it? They’ve grown so much already (though they still have lots of growing left to do)!

Questions Twin Moms Had at 12 Weeks
When it comes to medical appointments when pregnant with twins, you’re sure to have many questions. Starting a notepad and keeping track of questions as they arise will help ensure you don’t miss any important asks of your doctor.
- Is there anything I should know as I enter the 2nd trimester with twins?
- How many calories should I eat in the 2nd trimester with twins?
- Can I feel twins kick at 12 weeks?
- How soon do you start showing with twins? Is it okay if I don’t have much of a bump yet?
- How big are twins at 12 weeks pregnant?
- When will my next twin ultrasound be?
- How is a twin pregnancy considered high risk?
- What should I do differently in the 2nd trimester?
Twin Pregnancy Belly Photos: Week 12
When do you start showing with twins?
At 12 weeks pregnant with twins you usually have the start of a twin bump. That said, most women can usually hide it, and the rare among us still might not be showing.

Tips for a Good 12th Week Pregnant with Twins
If you haven’t yet, try to listen to your twins heartbeats. There’s no more magical sound than listening in to those fast fluttering hearts thumping away! Keep in mind you’ll likely want to do this with a medical professional, because at-home doppler use isn’t recommended.
Also in week 12, try to take a moment for yourself. You’ve made it through an entire first trimester with twins. This is a huge accomplishment, mama!
So often with twins we forget to celebrate ourselves and indulge in self care. It won’t be easy to book these things in the first year with twins, so start the practice now. Take some time every
Pregnant with twins? Follow along @TwinWinning on social for the latest & greatest in all things twins!
Articles to Read this Week
Last Week: Twin Pregnancy Week 11
Next Week: Twin Pregnancy Week 13
How to Thrive with Twins™ : The Program
What Not to Buy When Having Twins
Twin Pregnancy Week By Week Experience
Twin Pregnancy To Do List (free download)
