Twin Pregnancy Week 10: First Trimester with Twins
Week 10 -what an exciting time in a twin pregnancy. You’ve almost reached the end of the first trimester and have likely gotten your first ultrasound, meaning you know you’re pregnant with twins! In this twin pregnancy week 10 recap, we talk all about twin pregnancy symptoms, twin development, size of twins, twin belly photos, twin ultrasounds – twins, twins, twins!
While you’re here, don’t forget to grab your free download:
Ultimate Twin Pregnancy To Do List

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor; the below tips are meant to support your twin journey, but it is not inclusive and I always recommend running everything by your doctor.
Twin Pregnancy Symptoms at 10 Weeks
A tiny (but growing!) baby bump. At 10 weeks pregnant with twins, you’ve probably started to see a tiny baby bump emerge. That said – every woman’s body is different, and some may take another week or so to see that bump. It still takes some women time to really believe there are TWO babies growing in there.
Veins becoming more visible. What are those blue lines criss-crossing across on your skin? They’re your veins, supporting your newly increased amount of blood coursing through your body and supporting your twin babies.
Round ligament pain. As the ligaments to the right and left of your belly grow and stretch, they can cause a mild pain in your side. Most twin moms cope by simply kicking their feet up (as if we needed an excuse). It’s usually cause for concern, but as always, chat with your doctor when any new pain pops up.
Faintness or dizziness. Did you know your body increases its amount of blood by more than 50% in a twin pregnancy? At 10 weeks pregnant with twins, it’s already pumping more blood, which may cause some light-headedness, especially when standing up quickly. Some things that can help: staying hydrated, not letting blood sugar levels drop, and transitioning slowly to standing.
Food cravings or aversions. Does the sign of eggs make you vomit? Can’t stand being in the same room as cleaning products? Find yourself oddly drawn to peanut butter lately? It’s all par for the course. If there’s a food you can’t stand, it’s totally fine to steer clear of it (unless it’s all food!). Many twin moms find their appetite ramps up in the 2nd trimester (boy, did mine!).
+ Many earlier twin pregnancy symptoms: morning sickness, exhaustion, nausea & vomiting, heartburn, indigestion, bloating, etc. Read through week 5 twin pregnancy to week 9 twin pregnancy recaps to see those symptoms covered.
Twin Development at 10 Weeks
- Week 10 of pregnancy is the time twin babies graduate from “embryos” to “fetuses”. Congrats, mama – you’re doing it!
- Tiny tooth buds start to develop. Don’t expect to see toothy grins though, until these teeth break through the gums around 6 months old.
- Bones & cartilage form. Amazingly your twins will already have elbows that bend! They’re on their way to becoming two strong kiddos.
- Facial features start to become visible. A tiny nose and adorable little ears have sprouted. Adorable!
- Stomach & kidneys function, making urine & digestive juices already.
To Do: 10 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
- Start thinking about your twin registry (we have a great one for you here).
- Put yourself on child care wait lists – it’s never too early.
- Book your first twin ultrasound.
- Talk with your doctor about prenatal tests and book the recommended ones.
- Have a nutrition plan in place.

Size of Twins at 10 Weeks
At 10 weeks pregnant, each twin will be roughly the size of a prune or dried apricot (around 3-4 centimeters or 1.5 inches).
They’re getting bigger every day! Grow, babies, grow.

Questions Twin Moms Had for their Doctors
- Can you feel twins at 10 weeks?
- Can twins be seen on a 10 week ultrasound? Will their heartbeats be audible?
- What schedule of ultrasounds will I be on?
- Should I look pregnant at 10 weeks?
- Should I adapt my nutrition, activity, or exposure to anything? For example, any foods or product to avoid?
- Are there any prenatal tests I should get around 10 weeks pregnant or beyond?
- How can I cope with mornings sickness with twins?
- Do you cramp more with twins?
- Is there anything else I should know or keep in mind?
Twin Pregnancy Belly Photos: Week 10

Tips for a Good 10th Week Pregnant with Twins
Eating a healthy breakfast is important all the time, but especially in a twin pregnancy. It’s a great way to stave off not only faintness, which can come on in twin pregnancies around week 10, but also morning sickness.
That’s right – as you much as you may be avoiding foods that trigger nausea, not eating or skipping meals can actually increase morning sickness. So, don’t think that skipping breakfast will avoid morning sickness. If anything, it may trigger it!
Therefore, having a balanced breakfast with protein, healthy fats, fiber, and complex carbs will help you kick off your day right, and it will help your blood sugar remain stable for the coming hours.
And if you can’t stand the thought of eating in the morning? Try incorporating any foods that seem palatable. For example, fruit is usually a pretty safe option, and many twin moms claim it helps with pregnancy nausea.
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Articles to Read this Week
Last Week: Twin Pregnancy Week 9
Next Week: Twin Pregnancy Week 11
How to Thrive with Twins™ : The Program
What Not to Buy When Having Twins
Twin Pregnancy Week By Week Experience
Twin Pregnancy To Do List (free download)
