Week 7 Twin Pregnancy
Welcome to the 7th week of your twin pregnancy! At this point, there’s a good chance that pregnancy symptoms are starting to hit you. Curious why you may be feeling such intense morning sickness or fatigue? Twins may be the cause! Read on for helpful tips throughout your week 7 twin pregnancy.
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Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor; the below tips are meant to support your twin journey, but it is not inclusive and I always recommend running everything by your doctor.
Symptoms 7 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
- Swollen Breasts: Your body is getting ready to have babies in more ways than one! Your breasts are gearing up for their job of producing milk. This can cause them to start to swell – yes, even in week 7! If your tops are starting to feel snug, you may wonder…whose melons are these?!
- Pregnancy Nausea: Morning sickness (ahem, all-day sickness) might have already arrived in force. What can you do about it? Having foods around that help settle your tummy (fruits, crackers, ginger) and ensuring you don’t let yourself get too hungry can both help.
- Food Aversions: Can’t stand the sight of poultry? Mushrooms making you gag? Even some of your favorite foods may be turning you green lately. That’s why it’s even more important to set nutritional goals, understanding what nutrients you and your babies need to thrive. Now is a great time to create a plan with your health care providers.
- Excessive Saliva: To add onto morning sickness, you may also have excess saliva pooling in your mouth. As if morning sickness wasn’t hard enough as it is!
- Fatigue x 2: Falling asleep on the couch each evening? It’s understandable – your body is busy growing TWO lives! While you may not get the chance to take advantage of the midday naps your body is craving, there are plenty of ways to let your body rest. Hello 9pm bedtimes!

Twin Development at 7 Weeks
- Umbilical cords develop, connecting your twin babies to their placenta(s)
- Webbed hand and feet stubs arrive (how cute!)
- Brain cells rapidly grow
- Mouth and tongue form
To Do: 7 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
- Ensure you’ve set your initial appointment with your doctor
- Together with your doctor, set nutrition, caloric goals, and exercise goals
- Know which foods and activities you should try to avoid
- Decide which products to avoid (specific household cleaners, personal care product ingredients, cat litter, etc.)
- Understand what tests you may need, and at which stages of your twin pregnancy
- Understand the differences between a twin pregnancy and singleton pregnancy

Size of Twins at 7 Weeks
At 7 weeks pregnant with twins, your twins will each be roughly the size of a blueberry, or 0.64 centimeters.
While that may still seem tiny, they have grown 10,000 times the size they were upon conception!

Questions Twin Moms Had for their Doctors
- What kind of nutrition changes should I be considering?
- Are there any activities or ingredients I should be avoiding?
- What are the appropriate weight gain recommendations for me?
- When should my next prenatal appointment be?
- Are there any prenatal tests I should be planning for
- What kind of exercise is safe during pregnancy?
- How is a twin pregnancy different than a singleton pregnancy?
- Is there anything else I should keep in mind?
Belly Photos 7 Weeks Pregnant with Twins

Tips for a Good 7th Week Pregnant with Twins
Nutrition and exercise have never been more important than they are now. Understanding both what to eat (+ not eat) and how much to eat will be important for your twin pregnancy.
Contrary to the belief of “eating for two”, many pregnancy experts advise you don’t actually need any extra calories in the first trimester. Some experts, such as Dr. Barbara Luke recommend gaining 20 pounds by 20 weeks in a twin pregnancy, while others only recommend a steady weight gain of 37 to 54 pounds in a twin pregnancy for women who aren’t under or over weight to start.
Now is a great time to figure out, along with your doctor, your caloric goals per trimester, what foods & activities to avoid, and what nutrition to seek out. Ensuring you have adequate protein, folic acid, iron, and a plethora of other nutrients will set you up for success in your twin pregnancy.
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Articles to Read this Week
Last Week: Twin Pregnancy Week 6
Next Week: Twin Pregnancy Week 8
How to Thrive with Twins™ : The Program
What Not to Buy When Having Twins
Twin Pregnancy Week By Week Experience
