Twin Pregnancy Week 6: What to Expect
You’re six weeks pregnant with twins – congrats. mama! This article is designed to help you understand what to expect during your twin pregnancy week 6: Your To Do List, symptoms, development, and more.
You may have just found out that you’re pregnant, so welcome to your twin pregnancy experience. Depending on whether you’ve had your first ultrasound or not, you may or may not know that there are TWINS in there! Let’s dive into all things twin pregnancy week 6.
Grab your free download: Ultimate Twin Pregnancy To Do List
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor; the below tips are meant to support your twin journey, but it is not inclusive and I always recommend running everything by your doctor.
Symptoms 6 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
What symptoms tend to pop up when you’re six weeks pregnant with twins?
- More frequent urination: Find yourself running to the restroom more than normal? Many women in their sixth week of pregnancy find themselves in the same boat.
- Morning sickness: Ahh, morning sickness. Or, better said, all-day sickness. It can hit strong in a twin pregnancy, and week six is when many twin moms find it comes on hard.
- Exhaustion x 2: your body is undergoing the herculean task of growing a placenta (or two placentas!) – the life blood for your baby and a fairly large organ upon birth. This can make even sitting on the couch exhausting. If you’re falling asleep on the couch by 9pm, that’s fairly normal.
- Heightened Emotions: Find yourself crying at the latest commercial? Hormones could be to blame. Pregnancy hormones are starting to surge through your body, causing emotions to be all over the place.
- Some Bloating: While you may not have a baby bump just yet (wait for it!), you may feel some bloating, gas, and breast tenderness this week. It’s all par for the course.

Twin Development at 6 Weeks
Week six is a big week in twin development. What’s happening with your babies this week? For starters:
- Hearts begin beating
- Brains start forming
- Arms & legs emerge
- Organ development takes stage
There’s a lot going on in there. No wonder you’re exhausted!
To Do List 6 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
1. Make a Dental Appointment: Dental care, always important, is even more important during pregnancy. Pregnancy can cause dental changes that increase your risk for things like gum disease. Staying on top of your dental visits while pregnant will help your health, and in turn, your babies’ health.
2. Make a Doctor’s Appointment: If you haven’t yet visited your doctor, make an appointment to do so. They can confirm your positive pregnancy test, answer your pregnancy questions, and get you set up for your prenatal specialist and appointments.
3. Start Getting Excited! No matter your journey to pregnancy, it can be natural to have some shock when you finally see the positive pregnancy test. Take these weeks in the early first trimester to think about all the exciting things to come. You can browse baby decor, look at activities, and think about the fun things you might want to do on maternity leave.
4. Learn to Curb Morning Sickness: Even if you haven’t experienced any nausea yet, chances are you will in the weeks to come. Sadly, “morning” sickness can last alllll day, so learning the hacks to avoid it are key. Things like bland foods (crackers, cereal, rice cakes, bread) and citrus (orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit) commonly help get through it. As much as you’ll want to avoid food, an empty stomach can actually be a nausea trigger – eating before even getting out of bed can help. As if you needed an excuse to keep crackers by your bedside!
5. Create a Nutritional Plan: You’ll want to learn about what foods to avoid during pregnancy, and how to make smart nutritional choices. You won’t want to diet during this time, but you will want to ensure you get all the healthy nutrition that food offers. And what about eating for two? At this stage of pregnancy (even a twin pregnancy), you don’t yet need any added calories, like you will in the later weeks.

Questions Twin Moms Had for their Doctors at Week 6
- Are there any foods I should avoid during pregnancy?
- Are there any activities I should avoid during pregnancy?
- Will I need any prenatal tests in the coming weeks? When?
- What are the benefits of going with an obstetrician versus family doctor versus midwife?
- Is there anything about this pregnancy that might be high risk?
- What are the symptoms of twins in the first trimester?
- How is a twin pregnancy different than a singleton pregnancy?
- Is it normal if I have no symptoms at 6 weeks?
- Is there anything else I should know or keep in mind at this point?
Size of Twins at 6 Weeks Pregnant
At 6 weeks pregnant with twins, your babies are roughly the size of sweet peas (or 0.51 – 0.64 centimeters).
Your sweet peas are growing by the day, with tiny lungs, hearts, livers, and kidneys taking shape. What an exciting time!

Tips for a Good 6th Week with Twins
This week your first pregnancy symptoms may start to emerge. The name of the game is finding good coping techniques.
For example, learning which foods and what times of eating can help keep morning sickness at bay (or check out the list of top ways to combat morning sickness).
Also be sure to take these first few weeks to let the news of twins sink in. You have a good 30 more weeks to prepare, so taking the days and weeks now to let it sink in is totally fine.
Belly Photo Week 6 Twin Pregnancy
The week 6 twin pregnancy photo I took was actually during a costume day at the office. Let me tell you, if this attire was acceptable every day, this would be far easier to hid the emerging baby bump!

Articles to Read this Week
Last Week: Week 5 Twin Pregnancy
Next Week: Week 7 Twin Pregnancy
Twin Pregnancy To Do List (free download)
Twin Pregnancy Announcement Ideas
What Not to Buy when Having Twins
Twin Pregnancy Week By Week Experience
Morning Sickness Remedies when You’re Pregnant with Twins

Week 6: