Twin Pregnancy Week 5
So, you’re 5 weeks pregnant with twins – congratulations! You likely only recently found out you’re pregnant and there’s a good chance you don’t yet know that there are two in there. All in good time! This article will help you navigate your twin pregnancy week 5, from twin pregnancy symptoms, week 5 to do lists, twin development, and more.
Let’s dive in!

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor; the below tips are meant to support your twin journey, but it is not inclusive and I always recommend running everything by your doctor.
Symptoms 5 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
Being 5 weeks pregnant with twins is not significantly different than being 5 weeks pregnant with one baby. Some women find they don’t have any more symptoms than would normally start popping up at this stage, yet others notice heightened symptoms. Here are some of the symptoms you may find when 5 weeks pregnant with twins.
- Increased hCG counts: If you have your hCG counts tested, you may find them higher than expected. This is often one of the first symptoms of twins that clue in twin moms that they could be expecting two babies.
- Increased Morning sickness: Morning sickness, aka nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, often starts poking its head out around week 5 or week 6. It can strike each woman differently, but experiencing excessive morning sickness (or all day nausea) may be a sign of twin pregnancy.
- Exhaustion x 2: Fatigue is a natural sign of pregnancy. I was absolutely exhausted when pregnant. But with twins, the exhaustion may come on even stronger. At 5 weeks, you may feel too much of it yet – but exhaustion will likely hit you in your first trimester with twins.
- Nothing: No pregnancy symptoms yet? Not to worry. Some women don’t feel twin pregnancy symptoms come on in the early weeks. It’s not a reason to stress in itself – enjoy feeling good. The symptoms are likely to grow in the coming weeks.
Grab your free download: Ultimate Twin Pregnancy To Do List
Twin Development at 5 Weeks
At 5 weeks, your twins are already well on their development journey. At this stage:
- The placenta (or placentas) begin to form
- You may start to see a heartbeat (but it’s not always visible at 5 weeks pregnant)
- The fetuses will have tails at this stage

To Do: 5 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
1. Start documenting your pregnancy: Whether it’s a weekly bump photo, letter to your babies-to-be, or quick video, find a way to document this experience. I didn’t do it for our singleton and really regret not having the bump photos now. Luckily, I did start a weekly twin pregnancy tracker for baby #2 (which ended up to be baby #2 AND baby #3)! This tracker ultimately is what kicked off!
2. Make a doctor’s appointment: When you get that positive pregnancy test, it’s a good practice to book an appointment with your primary care physician. This will give you the chance to both confirm the pregnancy and give you a chance to ask questions and learn about lifestyle adjustments to make. You can use the list of questions twin moms had for their doctors when 5 weeks pregnant with twins below in this article as a starting point.
3. Know foods to avoid: In pregnancy, there are many foods that doctors recommend you avoid. Think sushi, raw eggs (+ all the things they’re in: ice cream, salad dressings, hollandaise sauce, tiramisu, mayo, etc.), and unpasteurized cheeses, to name a few. It’s best to learn the list early, to ensure you can avoid the things you’d like to avoid. For the full list of what I personally avoided, check out my week 35 twin pregnancy experience recap.
4. Learn tips to cope with nausea: Morning sickness is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms and almost every twin mom experiences some form of it. Reading up now on morning sickness remedies when you’re pregnant with twins can help you minimize it when it hits hard.
Questions Twin Moms Had for their Doctors
While each twin mom is different, here are some questions they’ve had for their doctors in their fifth week of twin pregnancy:
- Is my pregnancy test accurate?
- What lifestyle changes should I make?
- What diet adjustments should I make?
- Will I need any tests in the coming weeks? When?
- What is my expected due date?
- What are my options for pregnancy care providers?
- Is there anything else I should know or be aware of at this stage?
- Next steps – where do we go from here?
Size of Twins at 5 Weeks
At 5 weeks, your twins will still be tiny – each twin is around the size of an orange seed.
You won’t have much of a belly pop yet, but don’t worry, it will grow (and grow, and grow, and grow) in the weeks to come!

Belly Photos 5 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
Here’s my week 5 twin pregnancy belly photo. It may seem as though there’s a tiny baby bump already – but really, it’s probably just a large breakfast.

Tips for a Good 5th Week with Twins
The range of emotions you may be feeling now can range from exhilaration, to apathy, to dread, to pure joy. There’s no one right way to feel upon finding out you’re pregnant with twins. It’s life-changing news, and it can naturally take a few weeks for your emotions to settle.
No matter what your reaction to your pregnancy, try to give yourself a few weeks to let the news soak in. Chat with your partner, meet with your doctor, do some research, relax, and give yourself some time to think through your plans. If you’re not yet calm and blissful at 5 weeks, don’t stress – many twin moms found it took several weeks until they had adapted to the news.
Articles to Read this Week
Next Week: Twin Pregnancy Week 6
How to Thrive with Twins™ : The Program
Twin Pregnancy Week By Week Experience
