We Asked the TwinWinning Community: When Do Twins Get Easier?
If you’re in the early stages with twins and are asking “When do twins get easier?” you’re not alone. EVERY twin parent I’ve spoken with has asked this exact same question.
The good news? While caring for twin babies can be hard, it doesn’t last forever. Not only that, there are almost always easy peaks through the hard times.
For example, if you find 4mos the hardest age for twins, that doesn’t mean the whole period will be challenging. There will still be moments of joy, and wonder, and fulfillment that flood through you. Usually, after a night of good rest.

So, at what age DO twins get easier?
We posed that question to our amazing TwinWinning community. We asked them that exact question, to see when real twin moms found life with twins got easier. Here are some of their answers:
“Now that my girls are almost three, those first 18 months that I thought were hard were the easiest! 😂 But, it’s also so much better… gets better and better everyday♥️” ~ Frances
“Once they hit about 6 months and started noticing the world around them and exploring more, it got so much easier!” ~ Robin
“I’m honestly wondering when do twins get hard? 😬😬😬 My twins will be two months next week so I figured it would get hard soon. I’m surprised it’s been so easy so far!” ~ Jana
“The first 2 months wasn’t as hard as I expected but after that, I cried for help and then it was challenging until 6 months. After that, they are super chill just busy. I don’t have fussy babies so it makes it a little easier. I probably get 5hrs of broken sleep a night but it’s better than before. My babies are 7months now and it’s so amazing to see the daily and weekly changes 😍😍😍.” ~Nubbia
“My two are 18months now and it isn’t easier just different 🤣🤣 always new challenges and you get sleep which is needed after all those broken nights! I’m enjoying them so much right now though they are turning into little people😍” ~ Katie
“Never! 😂 Always something new to work with, wouldn’t change it for the world 💙💙” ~Donna
“We were lucky to have SO much help with our twins when they were born, so the first few months didn’t feel too bad. When we both went back to work around 5-6 months and the grandparents went home, that’s when I felt like it got tough. Since then, I don’t know that it’s gotten easier /harder. Just different challenges (and perks) with different stages.” ~ Sara

What Are the Similarities?
As hard as it is to say, the only similarity…is that there are differences! Each of these twin moms seems to have had a different experience. Some say that twins are always hard (yet amazing), while others say they truly didn’t find them to be difficult.
A few said that the first two months with twins are easy (being in the rose-colored glasses phase), then reality hits from months 3-6 (when the sleep deprivation catches up), then it can get easier again.
Twins DO Get Easier
So, if you’re in the early months with twins or have twins on the way and are asking when do twins get easier – have faith that it WILL get easier.
Yes, raising twins is hard – yet no matter how challenging it seems, inevitably you will look up one day. You’ll see your twins giggling with each other and you’ll feel your heart grow until if feels like it could burst.
That said, there are also lots shortcuts to making life with twins easier. And really, that’s entirely why TwinWinning.com exists! It was created to provide tips, resources, and stories to make your life with twins easier.
To help you get started, here are just a few of our resources for twin parents:
- How to Thrive with Twins: The Online Course
- Twin Pregnancy To Do List
- Twin Baby Gear Must-Haves to Make Life Easier
- How to Survive Twins: the First 6 Months
- How to Get Twins to Sleep
- Sample Schedules for Twins
- 20 Solutions When Baby Won’t Stop Crying
Finally, if you have a specific question, just shoot me an email at hello@twinwinning.com. I truly love hearing from our Twin Winning community and am here to support you in any way I can.
And remember: you’ve got this, twin mom!
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10 Tips when Overwhelmed as a Twin Mom
Tips to get Sleep as a Mom of Twins
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