The 5 Most Helpful Twin Baby Gear Pieces To Me
I’ve said it before – caring for twins is a lot of work. It’s a full-time, no days off job, and realistically, babies get fussy. That’s why I want to share the 5 most helpful twin baby gear pieces to me. It’s the pieces that were helpful in either soothing a little one, or for getting a tiny chunk of time back in my day.
If you haven’t been to the TwinWinning site before – welcome! Here are some other twin baby gear posts that might be helpful to you:
- Minimalist Twin Registry Checklist
- What Not To Buy When Having Twins
- Twin Baby Gear Must Haves To Make Life Easier
- What Not To Double For Twins
- Twin Pregnancy To Do List
Let me preface this by saying not every piece is specifically made for twins. So, did I buy two of these pieces? No, and I highly recommend not doing so.
Simply put, it’s because of babies’ short attention spans. Our twins were rarely entertained with one activity for more than 20min.
Thus, I chose to buy one of each item and created the baby rotation system: Swing – floor – bouncer – activity arch – tummy time – exersaucer – storybooks – walk, etc.
I did try to maximize floor time as much as possible with my twins. But we all know that babies easily get bored, and cranky, and sometimes, you just need to get something done.
So, instead of pretending to be the perfect twin mom who spends every minute of the day on the floor engaging her twins…I’m going to be real, and tell you what my lifesavers during my first year with twins were.

1. Baby Swing
Ahhh the baby swing. When nothing seems to calm a crying baby, a baby swing can be the magical device that does.
The movement, the swaying…it’s no wonder the baby swing calms them. I’ve sometimes wished there was an adult version! Hammock in the living room maybe?
2. Exersaucer
An exersaucer is a great space to entertain your older baby twins when you desperately need free hands.
I would often use this when I needed to prepare dinner and the twins needed to be someplace safe and within eye distance.
I tried not to use it too much (one of my mom friends called it The Circle Of Neglect) – yet there’s little doubt it’s been a lifesaver. But honestly? I tried not to feel bad about it. Twin parenting is hard, y’all.

3. Activity Arch
This is a great one that doesn’t involve putting your baby in a holding device – yay!
I tried to maximize floor time whenever possible (though, clearly from points 1 and 2 above, not always). An activity arch is a place to engage and entertain your twins when they’re having fun floor time.

4. Double Stroller
A great double stroller is an absolute must. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most expensive pieces of baby gear out there (of course 🙄).
Given how important a twin stroller is, and how many of you asked me about it, I created a post specifically about my favorite twin stroller here.
5. Baby Bouncer
One last baby container to round out the list, my friends! Bouncers have been invaluable, primarily due to their portability.
I’ve taken them to the kitchen while I meal prep, to the living room while I fold laundry (and let’s be real, attempting to enjoy a hot coffee while watching Ellen once in a blue moon – attempting being the key word here).
I’ve even taken them into the bathroom, so I could shower and not have them lose it. This is reason # 1,834,496 why I needed 15min when my husband came home, to simply close a door and sit in a room, by myself, with nobody touching my body. Relatable to any of you out there?

Great Gear Is Just The Starting Point
There you have it – the 5 most helpful twin baby gear pieces to me.
Though, I’ve learned that you can buy the best gear in the world and twin parenting can still be a challenge. So, I encourage you to check out the ~100 or so other posts on TwinWinning – tips for getting twins to sleep, feeding, coping when times are hard, mistakes new twin parents make, and dozens of others.
I created the site to help new twin moms live their best life with two in tow, and I love connecting and helping people who are about to embark on this incredible journey. If there is anything I can do to help, don’t hesitate to give me a shout!
Read Next
Minimalist Twin Registry Checklist
What Not To Buy When Having Twins
Twin Baby Gear Must Haves To Make Life Easier
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