What Having Twins Is Really Like
When I first became a twin mom, I did a lot of searching online to find out what the experience would be like. It’s why I decided to share my Week-by-Week Twin Pregnancy Recap on this twin blog, to help shed a light for other twin moms. It’s also why I wanted to share what having twins is really like.

It’s Hard
Being a twin mom is not easy. Heck, being a mom to one kid isn’t easy!
For starters, there’s limited free time. I’m not talking about time to watch Netflix for a couple of hours. I’m talking time to grab a shower, or prepare a healthy dinner. As an introvert, and someone who uses alone time to recharge, this is something I still struggle with.
Secondly, it’s harder for one parent to cover and let the second parent go off duty. Even if you only have twins, solo parenting is two on one. If you have more kids, even when both parents are around and fully engaged with a kiddo, your third kid may be in the kitchen emptying cupboards. Dividing and conquering means you are still outnumbered!
Thirdly, it can feel like you’re never enough. Both babies are crying – who do you comfort first? You run out of milk and a wave of feeling “not enough” pummels you. You’ve sacrificed sleep, and social plans, and pretty much your identity, and after hours of crying you wonder what else you could possibly do.
You’re probably going to have some hard moments, mama. But the best thing is: they’re temporarily. They pass. Each month usually gets a little easier than the last, and one day you realize you’re rocking this twin thing. Just get through the hard times, knowing it won’t last forever.

It’s Easy
I say it all the time, but having twins is not double the work. It’s more like 1.6 times the work. At least for the first few years of their life, you prepare the same meals, go to the same activities, have the same nap schedule, etc.
If you were going to have two kids anyway, having them as twins will probably end up being more of a time saver than having them separately.
Secondly, eventually your twins start entertaining each other. A lot of perks come from having a built-in buddy, from learning to share, to sleeping through loud noises, to always having a friend to play with.
Also, if pregnancy wasn’t your jam, with twins you get two babies from only one pregnancy! No two rounds of morning sickness, cravings, weight gain, emotions, or recovery. Score!

It’s Incredible
Not only do you get the honor of raising one incredible human being, you get the privilege of doing it for two.
You get double the hugs, double the snuggles, and double the love. Even if one kid is mad at you (which, by the way, just means you’re being a good parent and setting limits), another will be right there with a hug.
Seeing their twin bond, too, is like nothing else. Watching their inside jokes emerge, little giggles pop up, and how they support each other can make my heart want to burst with love.

It’s a Rollercoaster
Being a twin parent can give you the highest highs and the lowest lows. It has rocked me to my core, dropped me to my knees in tears, made me feel like my heart was bursting with love, and pretty much everything in between.
There are a lot of strategies you can do to make life easier. Simply remembering that things progressively get better (at least they have for me) can be your saving grace.
Until then, I wish you delicious coffee, early bedtimes, and lots of cozy cuddles.
Read After What Having Twins Is Really Like:
What the First Month with Twins Is Really Like
Twin Pregnancy Week-By-Week Experience
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