Benefits of Having Twins: Top 10 Reasons Having Twins Is Awesome
Listen, there’s no doubt that being a parent of twins is hard. It’s why I started this blog and create posts like How To Save Time With Twins and 10 Things To Do Before Twins Arrive To Make Life Easier to help twin moms prepare. You may be here because you just found out you’re pregnant with twins and are asking yourself what are the benefits of having twins? There are so many! So, I recapped the top 10 reasons having twins is awesome.
Time for some real talk: how does it feel having twins? It feels incredible, and hard, and amazing, and exhausting, and EVERYTHING!
So, if you’re struggling, or if you got the shock of your life and are trying to figure out how to do this (hint: almost every twin mom has felt that), know that you’re a very normal twin parent to be. Remember this list, and refer to it if you struggle with twins.
At the end of the day, us twin parents are part of an elite club. And while yes, it’s hard, it’s also amazing. Don’t forget these benefits of twins – because they really can be incredible! Let’s go through the top 10 reasons having twins is awesome.
- Built-In Play Buddies
- Less Than Double the Work
- Always Someone to Cuddle
- A Free Pass on Tidyness
- Part of a Special Club
- The Twin Bond
- People Think You’re a Superhero
- One Schedule
- They’re Adorable
- Double the Love
Read on for more below!

Top 10 Benefits to Having Twins
1. Built-In Play Buddies
At around the one year mark, I started noticing my twins engaging with each other. This gets even better as the years pass by, as they always have a best buddy to play with.
This means more friendship, sharing, and laughter than if they were a singleton. Not only that, it also means they entertain each other while you get things done. Win-win!
Having a built-in play buddy can be one of the best things about having twins – and it only gets better as they grow.

2. Less Than Double the Work
One of the best benefits of having twins is you get two for the price of one. Honestly, having twins is not double the work. It’s more like 1.6 times the work.
For example, when you’re spoon feeding one cereal, you naturally have to take breaks while they chew and swallow. Because of that, it takes me about the same time to feed two as it would go feed one.
There are countless other examples like that, and if you keep them on a schedule, you’ll find yourself saving time all over the place.

3. Always Someone to Cuddle
After your twins become toddlers and then preschoolers (and eventually teenagers!), you’ll find that inevitably one of them will become upset with you. Well…they will if you’re a good parent and have rules in your home.
When that time comes, take solstice that there’s another cute kiddo that will still give you hugs! Honestly, it’s one of the best advantages of having twins.

4. A Free Pass on Tidiness
As a new mom, people understand if things get a little messy. A perk of having twins though, is that having a clean house almost gets you a trophy.
People say phrases like “I don’t know how you do it”, and you realize that even keeping things at a basic level can earn you admiration. Being a parent of twins, if your house is a little messy, or the twins hair looks a little wild one day, people will usually understand.

5. Part of a Special Club
You’ll soon find that nobody “gets you” like other twin parents do. You really become part of a special twin club.
As a parent of twins, you’ll start to spot double strollers across the street, run into twin parents in airports, and find them online. And when you do? You’ll probably feel an instant connection.
In my experience, I’ve found few tribes as awesome as twin parent tribes. Feel free to follow me online @TwinWinning and join the amazing community!

6. The Twin Bond
One of the best parts of having twins is seeing their twin bond emerge. There’s something about seeing my two little ones connect like no others on the planet that sparks joy in my eyes.
Whether they speak their own language, have their own inside jokes, or you simply watch them support each other when they’re out in the world, it’s pretty amazing watching their twin bond come to life.
They’re a built-in buddy, built-in support, and there for each other through life. Seeing my 24-year old twin sisters bond still brings a smile to my face.

7. People Think You’re a Superhero
Honestly, I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard “how does it feel having twins” and “I don’t know how you do it all”. Now the truthful answer is “sometimes poorly”. But when parents of singletons see you coming, they’re somehow automatically impressed.
Listen, I get it. When we only had one child, I would see parents of two and think the exact same thing. And don’t get me wrong – there have been plenty of non-superhero days along this journey.
At the end of the day though, there’s no doubt that people thinking you’re a superhero can be a pretty great advantage of having twins. It can feel pretty good to have someone appreciate all your hard work.

8. One Schedule
Another benefit of having twins is that you know your day and you can plan things out pretty well.
When you have twins, chances are they’re on pretty similar schedules (if you’re not, definitely check out these Sample Daily Schedules for Twins, and consider getting them on the same schedule).
If you end up putting them down, waking them, scheduling naps, feeding them meals, and bathing them at the same time, then you get so much freedom back in your day.

9. They’re Adorable
Let’s be real, two babies the same age is like double the cuteness. Add in coordinating outfits, and you can practically hear the “awww!”s.
Simply put, twins can be pretty darn adorable.
And you’re a lucky, lucky human to be able to experience it every day.

10. Double the Love
Truly the best thing about having twins is this: double the love, double the hugs, double the cuddles, double the amazingness.
While twins can be a lot of work, in being a parent of twins you get something from it as well – amazing, incredible, life-altering love.
That love has overwhelmed me, in the best possible way.
Giving your absolute all to your tiny twins and seeing their unconditional love staring up at you, as their first smiles start to spread over their tiny faces…it makes all the exhaustion worth it a thousand times over.

These Advantages of Having Twins is Just the Start
Honestly, I could list so many other perks of having twins. This could easily be the top 100 instead of the the top 10 ways having twins is awesome.
But I want to hear from YOU. Comment below and tell me why having twins is awesome to you!
Read Next:
Week by Week Twin Pregnancy Experience
What the First Month with Twins Is Really Like
10 Things To Do To Before Twins Arrive To Make Life Easier
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