10 Things to Do Before Twins Arrive to Make Life Easier
If you’re like most twin moms, the moment you saw those two little blobs on the ultrasound machine you probably knew your life would be forever changed. The love (and fear) that surged into you in that moment was probably overwhelming. Where do I start? How do I prepare for twins? What should be on my twins to do list? That’s why I pulled together 10 things to do before twins arrive to make life easier.
You know the basics, like buying the right baby equipment, and preparing for a great twin pregnancy. But if you’re like me, you’ve probably started thinking “what can I do to make life easier after my twins arrive?”. Because, let’s be real. While twins are awesome, they’re not known for being easy.
There are some things you can do that can make a big difference in how those first months with twins go. Everything you can do now, while you have the time, can help make life easier down the road.
Let’s get started on your preparing for twins checklist!

1. Declutter

If you’re like most women, nesting is sure to go into high gear when you’re pregnant. Mother nature instills in us a drive to get our home in order for our babies’ arrivals. For some, that results in the drive to purchase every baby product in site. In others, in includes scrubbing your house from top to bottom – even the walls. For others (including me) it results in an intense drive to declutter.
I felt an overwhelming urge to simplify our life. I would walk into our storage room and want to throw out every single item we owned. Luckily, my husband saved me from doing so, but the drive was there.
Two babies take up a lot of room. Do yourself a favor and donate, sell, or recycle the items that no longer serve you. You’ll need lots of space for baby equipment, and let’s get real – we can all get by with way less “stuff” in our life.
And if you’re curious what twin baby gear you need? Check out the Minimalist Twin Registry Checklist below, to learn about the essentials for twins and what you don’t need two of for twins. If you’re preparing for twins on a budget, this printable checklist is for you.
2. Meal Prep

As much as you might have visions of you preparing gourmet meals with lipstick on when your husband comes home from work, that simply won’t happen. At least it won’t happen regularly in the first few months.
I call the first six months with twins survival mode. Night and day roll into one, and you can find yourself losing track of everyday things, like the last time you brushed your teeth, or the last time you ate a meal.
So as you’re going through what to do before twins arrive, give your future self a gift and meal prep now. Cook and freeze meals, load up your freezer with Costco dinners, or line up meal delivery up for the first few weeks – whatever your jam, do it while you’re still pregnant.
3. Relationship Prep

When it’s 3am, and you can’t remember who was up last with the baby, and you’re so tired you can’t function, and the baby just won’t stop crying, you’re going to be glad you did this. Ask yourself questions like:
- Who’s feeding the twins overnight? Are you splitting the overnight shifts? For how long?
- Is your partner taking any time off of work? How will responsibilities shift when they go back?
- Do you schedule any time to yourself throughout the week, or do you prefer to not leave one person with both twins?
I promise you, having these discussions now, while you’re clear headed, is so much better than when you’re severely sleep deprived.
Also have a plan for how to reconnect if (when) things get crazy and you’re starting to feel overwhelmed. Will you have a monthly date night, or plan to go to bed early once a week to cuddle? A Netflix date every Saturday evening? Find what will work for you, and schedule it in now.
4. Create a Postpartum Mental Health Plan

When you’re creating your to do list for twins, it’s easy to forget about yourself. But one of the most impactful things for your twins isn’t actually anything of theirs – it’s yours: your mental health. As many moms can attest to, postpartum recovery is far more than just physical.
With my first child, I had pre-booked a postpartum session with a counselor well before my baby arrived. While I ended up feeling great postpartum, I considered it simply part of my whole body checkup and attended the session.
Even if you don’t feel like booking an appointment, research a great physiotherapist, yoga instructor, therapist, naturopath, and any other specialist you think might add value to your overall well being before babies come. This way, you don’t have to stress about doing the research when you’re already down.
5. Prepare for a Strong Return to Work After Babies

No matter how you feel about your career, prepare for a strong return to it. Even if you’re sure you want to become a stay-at-home mom, there’s value in leaving the door open.
Perhaps it ends up being more difficult being home with baby than you thought, and you want the option to return. Maybe you decide you’d like to come back part time, or perhaps even return full time after a longer maternity leave. Or, perhaps you can do some consulting for them while you stay at home.
There are numerous reasons why leaving the door open makes our top 10 things to do before twins arrive to make life easier. To do so, make sure you transition all of your responsibilities and that you meet with key people before you leave. Let your department head know that you’re committed to your career, and touch base a few times while you’re off. Yes, this is a major life transition, but try not to forget that your career has given you a lot of value too.
6. Sign Up for Mom & Baby Classes

Mom and baby classes can be one of the best ways to survive and thrive during maternity leave. It gets you out of the house (no matter how hard your day), gives you exercise (even if it’s just the walk to the class), and provides socialization (no matter how messy your hair).
All three of these factors can fight off postpartum mood challenges that face new moms, and for those reasons, signing up for mom & baby classes is high on my 10 things to do before twins arrive to make life easier.
I personally got so much value out of these classes and met moms that I still talk to years later. Whether it’s a mom & baby yoga classes, parent & infant support group, library story time, developmental play, baby sign language, first aid, postpartum physio – the options are endless. Find what sparks your joy, and write your name down in advance.
7. Line Up Support

You will need help caring for newborn twins. Can you do it on your own? Yes – but you will struggle.
Think of all your options: can you fly in family, pay for nannies, get your older children into part-time daycare, hire a mother’s helper, cash in on favors with friends, use gym child minding while you work out (or soak in the hot tub for an hour – equally worthwhile)? Find a way, and make it happen.
I struggled with this a lot, and I still feel guilty hiring help. After all, my mom had 5 kids and did it without help…shouldn’t I be able to do it too? However hard it may be, try to remove the words “should” and “guilt” from your vocabulary. There will come a day when your resources are depleted. Having an option on hand may make all the difference.
8. Baby Proof Your Home

Next up on the list of 10 things to do before twins arrive to make life easier is baby-proofing your home. Do you want to worry about nails, screwdrivers, and drilling when you have two tiny babies at your feet? Me neither.
That’s why doing it before babies come is best. Early in the 3rd trimester, order the outlet covers, baby gates, cabinet locks, toilet locks, corner bumpers, and get to work on installing everything.
Then, get down to the ground and think like a baby. Can a baby’s hand fit in a gap somewhere? Can they reach anything that fit in a toilet paper roll (roughly the size of a baby’s throat)? Is there anything they could get excited about exploring? Be extra safe – you’ll be glad you did.
9. Plan Something Fun for Mat Leave

Let’s face it, ladies. Being a mom of twins means you’re devoted to them in their first months of their life. You give them your time, your body, your schedule, and your heart. Once I mentally accepted that I was theirs for the first two months, I felt a wave of relief. I wouldn’t have to balance it all…I could just drop everything to be there for them.
But that can’t last forever, and it shouldn’t last forever. At a certain point (which is different for everyone), you’re going to need to recharge. That’s why scheduling something fun to look forward to can be a ray of hope in those hard first weeks.
For me, it was blogging (if you’re curious about starting your own, check out how to start a mom blog and make money). For you, maybe it’s a girl’s night away, a family trip somewhere, enrolling in a class, or starting a side hustle. Whatever it is, find something that lights up your soul, and get it on the books. You will be so happy that you did.
10. Have a Formula Plan

Planning to breastfeed your twins? Congrats! Get formula anyway.
The last item on the list of 10 things to do before twins arrive to make life easier is to have a formula plan in place. Many a mom has planned on exclusive breastfeeding, only to find their plans thwarted with latching issues, weight gain issues, supply issues, or a myriad of other challenges.
Do yourself a favor and do the research on formula brands now, and have a few bottles on hand. Trust me, you won’t want to have to add that to your to-do list in the first few weeks after giving birth.

Incorporate these 10 Things To Do Before Twins Arrive to Make Life Easier
Remember, having twins is not easy – but it can be awesome. If you’re preparing for twins, rocking the 10 things to do before twins arrive to make life easier will help give you peace of mind.
And with twins? That’s something we can all get behind.
Read Next:
Week by Week Twin Pregnancy Experience
How to Survive Twins: the First Six Months
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