Being a working mom of 3 kids 3 and under is not always easy. The cliche that there never seem to be enough hours in the day rings true. Especially on weekdays, I get a mere two hours with our kids before bed…2.5 if I’m lucky. But bonding with my kids? That’s top of my list. Hence, I created this list of 10 ways to bond with your kids without playing.
During our small window together, we need to make dinner, feed all 3 kids, clean up, have bath time, change into PJs, brush teeth, and get them everyone into bed. If all goes according to plan, that leaves an hour or two to ourselves before collapsing in bed…until someone wakes us in the morning by screaming out, and the routine starts again.
Most days, I love getting down on the floor and playing games. And other days…sometimes we just need to get things done. That said, I don’t want my kids to think I don’t want to spend time with them. I value the bond with my kids above almost anything.
That’s why I created a list of ways to bond with kids without playing with them. It sounds odd – shouldn’t we moms want to play with our kids? Yes, of course. But this list is for the days when a girl’s gotta get things done.
By involving them in things I do anyway, it helps me get my to-do list done and get back to play time quicker. For the busy working mom who has limited time (or for the stay at home mom who desperately needs an hour off from playing with trucks), this one is for you. Read on for the 10 ways to bond with your kids without playing.

1. Do Chores Together

Quality bonding time doesn’t Only need to be sitting on the floor playing with blocks together. In fact, many times it’s easier to open up when your bodies are active.
Couple bonding time with something you need to do around the house, and you get bonding time built into chore time. Even better, you’re teaching your kids the value and sense of pride of helping around the house. A few examples of things you can do together:
- Folding laundry together
- Putting away dishes together
- Tidying together (it can become a game)
- Holding the dust pan while you sweep
- Making beds together
- Etc.
You’d be surprised what good conversations can come up if you give each other individual focus while doing these.
2. Bake Together

Next up on our list of 10 ways to bond with your kids without playing is to bake together. Or cook dinner together. Or meal prep together. Or grocery shop together. Whatever it is, the goal is to do it together. You may even notice that as you do it, time passes more quickly.
Plus, you’re passing down recipes and self-sufficiency skills that will last a lifetime. They may even be more apt to try that green vegetable if they’re the one who made it!
3. Take One Kid Out on an Errand

This one is especially great if you have multiple kids. The perk is that one kid gets individualized attention, which can feel pretty special.
If you have more than one kid, getting to do a trip by themselves with mom may feel like a special treat. Take it a step further with a yummy snack while you’re out, and it may even be the highlight of their day.
4. Visit an Attraction

It could be a museum, library, concert, show, or event. Whatever it is, find something that is exciting to you, and not just your kid, and you can find a fun way to bond with your kids without playing.
Did ballet shoes inspire you as a kid? Love sports matches? Science centers, zoos, playgrounds, or art classes? One of the best parts of parenthood (in my opinion) is introducing things you enjoyed as a child to your own child.
5. Wrap Presents

Especially around the holidays, present wrapping has got to get done. You can easily bond with your kids without playing by getting together and getting creative with present wrapping.
Make it exciting with stickers and fancy tape, and you’ve got a great bonding time together.
6. Have a Movie Night Together

Yes, this one involves screen time, so the only way it works is if you make it a special memory together. Maybe you build a fort, or talk all week about what your Friday night movie pick might be, or maybe you make a special snack together.
Think back to what made movie nights special as a kid. For me, I remember pulling all the couch cushions onto the floor with my mom, and popping popcorn in a real popcorn machine.
Make memories that you’ll enjoy together.
7. Quiet Reading Time (B. Y. O. Book)

Next up on the list of how to bond with your kids without playing is to break open some books, and have some quiet reading time together. Not in the mood to read kids books with imaginative voices and sound effects? I hear you.
It’s also okay to read an adult book while your little ones read kids books on the couch next to you. The key? Be sure they see you with a real paper book – not a phone.
8. Learn a New Skill Together

Have you been wanting to start a new activity? Bring your kid! Involve them in learning it, and it can become an experience you enjoy together (both during the class and talking about it at the dinner table). I’ve seen parent and kid karate classes, art classes, swim classes, ski lessons – the works!
Whether it’s knitting, woodworking, skiing, scrapbooking, baking – find something that you enjoy that you can enjoy together.
9. Act of Service / Volunteer

What better use of time is there than helping others? It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling, and teaches your kids the value of civic responsibility.
Yes, it can be hard to squeeze in as a busy mom. By slotting it into your calendar, though, you know that every Saturday morning you and your kiddo are going to hang out at the seniors home, instead of at the park.
Either way, you’re getting out of the house, AND making the world a better place.
10. Go Out to Eat

We all have to eat! At work, I schedule lunch meeting when possible to maximize my time. Why not do this with kids too?
A trip out for brunch together may remind you of the days when you’d meet up with friends on Sunday mornings and gab the day away, and can one of the most fun ways to bond with your kids without playing on the floor.

Remember: You’re a Great Mom
Listen, we all want to be an engaged mom who spends her day playing and bonding with her kids. The reality is unless we all have a staff of chef, chauffeur, housekeeper, and personal assistant (and why not throw in, you’re going to have to divide your time. So this list of how to bond with your kids without playing can help you be that engaged parent you want to be.
By involving your kids in your day they can feel loved and appreciated – without rolling cars back and forth on the floor.
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