How To Prepare For Twins
They say there are two things you’re never quite prepared for in life: twins. If you’ve found out you’re pregnant with twins, congrats! But let’s be honest – you’re probably also nervous and wondering how to prepare for twins so you don’t completely struggle once they arrive.
I hear you. The moment I saw those two little blobs on the ultrasound machine, a million thoughts started running through my brain. After having made it through the first year, I’ve realized there are lots of things you can do to set yourself up for success. Here are my top tips on how to prepare for twins.

1. Get the Right Twin Baby Gear
Having the right twin baby gear is key to thriving with twins (I was so grateful for our baby swing). But with two on the way, life can quickly become expensive.
So, what baby gear do you really need for twins and what do you need to double for twins?
For the complete full twin essentials checklist, check out our Ultimate Minimalist Twin Registry Checklist. It’s a free printable twin baby gear checklist that breaks down what you need, what to skip, and what twin gear you need two of.
Because, let’s be real – we’re not just figuring how to prepare for twins – but also how to prepare for twins on a budget. I can tell you now, you do not need to double everything for twins.
2. Buy Everything By 30 Weeks
With twins, there’s an increased chance of prematurity. If you end up with a longer hospital stay post-birth, or if you end up dealing with the NICU, the last thing you’ll want to worry about is setting up your twins’ cribs or baby equipment.
The first few months are hard enough when you have everything already set up and ready to go. Do yourself a favor and get your shopping, prepping, and washing done in the second trimester. That way, no matter when your twin babies arrive, you’ll be ready.

3. Research Options for Help
The next step of what you need to do to prepare for twins is to start thinking about support. Even if you think you can do it all alone, I strongly recommend researching options for help before your twins arrive.
Because, frankly, life with twins is a ton of work. Even the best among us will struggle at times. So, when you’re figuring out how to prepare for twins, I truly believe in lining up support before they arrive.
That ideally includes both free options (like family and friends if they offer), and also paid options at the ready. Whether it’s a night nurse, nanny, babysitter, mother’s helper, cleaner, or other support, get contacts loaded into your phone, interviews done, and know that you have options available.
Yes, it’s an extra cost. And, yes, you may feel like you “shouldn’t” need it. But do yourself a favor, and throw the word “should” out of your vocabulary for now. If you end up not needing help, amazing. But if there’s a day you hit your breaking point, you’ll likely appreciate having options.

4. Sign Up for Mom & Baby Classes
Getting out the door with twins is going to be tough. Heck, getting out the door with one kid can be tough! That’s why it’s best to research and sign up for parent and tot classes before your little ones arrive.
After your twins arrive and you’ve been having A DAY, running on fumes, it can be so easy to stay in vs. stress over getting everyone outside. Having a class you’re already committed to increases the chances you’ll go through the effort of bundling everyone up.
Trust me, getting out will be good for all of you, so make sure you do the research and sign up in advance.

5. Get A Baby Tracker
When did the babies last eat? How many diapers did each of them go through? Who napped at what times today?
Think you’ll keep all of this in your sleep-deprived brain? Think again, mama.
Writing everything down for the first few weeks will help enormously, especially when checking in for doctor appointments. Tracking all of these things are important, yet hard to do for two different babies. I remember blearily staring at my notebook at 3am trying to keep track of the last six hours of feedings and diapers.
That’s why I created a baby tracker just for twins. It allows you to track both twins’ daily schedules and can be one small thing that helps make your newborn twin life easier. Check out the free printable below.
6. Wash Everything
Baby clothes, bottles, soothers, blankets, even your clothing – the time to get it all washed and prepped is while you’re in your twin pregnancy. Ideally, you get things ready in the late second trimester.
Full term for twins is usually around 36 week on average. You never know when your babies will arrive, so having everything ready to go before your little bundles arrive means less on the twins to do list, in case they come early.
An extra perk of preparing for twins early means it relieves the stress off of your plate. You don’t want to be 34 weeks pregnant, stressing about the fact that your twins’ cribs aren’t set up yet. Do yourself a favor and get it done now.

7. Get Into the Right Head Space
Finally, arguably the most important thing, is to get your head into the right space for this huge life change about to take place. It’s time to think about how to mentally prepare for twins.
Taking care of newborn twins is beyond a full time job. It can very well dominate your life 24 hours a day for months on end. It’s time to mentally prepare for that.
Block off your calendar, grab some yoga pants & dry shampoo, and get ready to put your regular life on hold.
Once I considered it a vacation from all other responsibilities, things seemed a little easier. Instead of looking at all the things I was missing, I looked at everything I had gained. The fact that my main job was to feed, sleep, and cuddle, was almost freeing.
You’ll get back into real life after a few months. Until then, enjoy spending time in bed, not getting work emails, rocking a top knot, and letting the dust pile up a little.

Preparing for Twins to Help you Thrive
I know how overwhelming the concept of twins can be. I also know the fear about how the heck you’ll be able to do it.
That said – there are ways to make life with twins easier. You’d be surprised at how getting things physically prepared will also help you mentally prepare for twins too.
If you want the top tips curated in an easy-to-digest format, check out our comprehensive twin class How to Thrive with Twins.
Following the steps above sets you off to a great starting point when you’re figuring out how to prepare for twins. There’s so much more that I could write an entire book on it and you’d never be quite ready. So, my main advice is this: do everything you can, then just enjoy the ride.
It will be wild, and incredible, and exciting. You’ve got this, mama.
Read Next:
Twin Pregnancy Week-By-Week Experience
What the First Month with Twins is Really Like
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