Hi mama. I bet you’re pretty exhausted right now. I’m also willing to bet that things seem pretty overwhelming. You may not even remember what normal feels like, or you don’t believe you’ll ever get there again. That’s why I wanted to take a moment to write a letter to the new twin mom – to you.
I see you. I’ve been you. And trust me – it does get easier.

The first few months of bringing a baby home from the hospital are intense, to say the least. Babies are up all night long, they cry for what feels like no reason, you have to be ON 24/7, and little things like showering and a hot meal become rare, sweet luxuries.
To do this with twins? That’s intense times two.
I remember the day four postpartum nonstop bawl fest. I remember the stress down to my core when I just couldn’t get one of my twins to just stop crying, no matter what I did. I remember feeling like I hadn’t connected with my husband, even over a dinner together, in what felt like forever.
And I remember that it got easier.
It’s not the absolute best advice I heard for twins, but it’s close.
Hold on to that mama. Hold onto the knowledge that it won’t always be this intense. 7 months old is usually easier than 2 months, and 18 months old is usually easier than 7 months. And I can’t imagine 5 years being more difficult than 2 months old!
I know that it can feel like it will never get any easier – but trust me, it will. One day you’ll wake up, and you’re not sure how or when, but things will seem easier. The days will become manageable. There are steps you can take on how to survive twins, but usually time is the biggest factor. If you’re going through a hard day, open up this letter to the new twin mom and remind yourself that it will get easier.
One day you may even start to enjoy it. You’ll get little chunks of time to yourself again, and the babies will be fun and not just work.
Until then, be kind to yourself. Find ways to add little sparks of joy into your day, no matter how small they are. And above all, sleep.
Everything seems easier with sleep.
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