Week 37 Twin Pregnancy Experience: We Made It!!
Week 37 was always my goal when it came to carrying these twinnies. And we made it! In my week 37 twin pregnancy experience, I’m over the moon that we made it to what’s considered full term for twins.
When my mom was carrying twins, her goal was 36 weeks & 5lbs each (which she hit). My goal was to get to 37 weeks and 6lbs each. I’m so proud to have accomplished this.
I also can’t believe the twins will likely be here this week. What a change it will be! I’m trying to enjoy these last few days, knock the last few items off of the to do list, and nap. A non-nap day at this point leaves me jittery, dizzy, and exhausted. So naps it is!

Babies, I’m so excited to meet you. I’m excited to cuddle you on my chest, and look into your eyes, and feed you, and just be there for you.
These first few months were such a hard and yet amazing experience that I’ll likely never repeat again. When I’m juggling newborn twins and feel at my end, with exhaustion roaring, I hope I can remember how limited of a period of time this. Someday, I’ll wish to return to it. Yes, even to the exhaustion and bleary eyes, for the chance to cuddle these sweet little babies.
That being said, a few things have gotten quite difficult in these last few days of pregnancy that I thought would be fun to recap:
- Putting on pants. Shirts? A breeze. The action of standing on one leg while lifting the other to put on pants? It actually causes physical pain. I’m going to be such a wimp in labor.
- Rolling over. I can sit up without major issue, but for some reason rolling over causes quite a few aches. Maybe it’s because it puts close to 60 pound onto my spine. And you only have to do it 20 times a night go get comfy. Which leads me to…
- Sleeping more than an hour at a time. Between contractions, aches, and runs to the loo, it’s just not possible to get more than an hour or two of sleep at a time. Practice for what’s to come perhaps?
- Doing a sit up. I joke that even if you pay me a million dollars, I could not do a real abdominal crunch or sit up anymore.
- Cooking. Or walking more than a few blocks. Or anything requiring being on your feet for more than 10 min at a time. It’s legit.
- Helping a fussy toddler. When she just wants to lay on me and not do anything she’s supposed to do, like eat dinner, or brush teeth, or go to bed, I’m pretty useless. Smoothie pouch for dinner it is.
Symptoms: Everything. Everything you can think of. But WE MADE IT!
Babies are each the size of: Winter melons. Though with one measuring over 8lbs via ultrasound, that’s the size of a pumpkin. A pumpkin, PLUS another full sized baby in there! Can you even imagine??
Belly size: 47 weeks, at least. I’m trending bigger babies than an average twin pregnancy, so I don’t even know at this point. Let’s just call me a house and be done with it.
Read Next:
Last Week: Week 36 Twin Pregnancy Experience
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