5 Newborn Twin Tips: Guest Post from Melanie at Just4Twins
I had my non identical twin boys via IVF in December 2017. I was so excited, and being a twin mum has been amazing. The early days of having newborn twins is so special, but when the visitors slowed down and my husband went back to work it all became a bit daunting. Looking after 2 babies isn’t always easy, that’s for sure. That’s why I compiled 5 newborn twin tips.
After having made it through the first year there are a few things which looking back on defiantly helped me, so here it goes:

1. Try and Get Out
It can seem hard at the beginning, but even short walks can help clear your head. If you have family or friends around that can join, always let them. A good adult conversation can help break up the day (and what feels like constant feeding). Also if people are willing to come and help, always say yes.
2. Be Organized
It can take a while to get two babies changed, dressed, in coats and in a pram, so try and make it easy for yourself. Have a change bag ready to go and always keep a baby carrier in the bottom of the pram. You never know when one baby may decide to start crying, and often putting them in a carrier will solve the problem. I got caught out at the beginning and holding one baby and pushing the other isn’t easy!
3. Find Twin Mum Friends
No one mentions that it can actually get lonely. It can feel overwhelming to take two babies to a class, and even trying to feed two while out can cause stress so you start to stay in, feeling like it’s all to much. But finding other mums in the same boat can do you the world of good.
I met a friend early on who had twins at a similar time and we were experiencing all the same things, which really helped. We then went to our local twin club and a year on we still go every week and have made some lovely friends, as have the boys. Social media can also be a great way to find support from others, always reach out to someone if you are feeling lonely, they have probably felt the same.
4. Have a Schedule / Routine
Next up in the newborn twin tips is getting into a routine. I don’t think you can have an actual routine till around 3 months but as you will often hear a good routine for twins really does help keep you sane (and the twins in a good mood). I used the Gina Ford book and it really worked.
5. Meal Prep
It can take a lot of time feeding and looking after 2 babies, especially when you are so tired, so before they are born I would try and fill the freezer with meals and food. So often we would be too tired to cook. Being able to have a nice meal which just needs a quick heat up was so helpful and meant we did actually eat!!
And although it may be hard – really do let others help and make sure you take some time for you. You really do deserve it, I promise. And the babies will be fine.
Trust Your Instincts
You will find over time your confidence will grow, and as with everything, you’ll soon learn what works for each baby. Remember in the end you are mummy and know best. People (like me) will offer advice, as I am a believer that knowledge is power, and love to help support other mums. However it has to work for you, and you should always do things your way, whether it means following these 5 newborn twin tips or not.
Having twins really is such a blessing, and however hard it is, watching them together makes it all worthwhile.
About the Author
Melanie is a mum to twin boys, Oliver and Toby, and resides in the UK. She runs the blog Just4Twins, where she posts about feeding, routines, support and more. Check out her site just for twins!

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