Week 36 Twin Pregnancy Experience: To My Awesome Hubby
Well, the uncomforts of a twin pregnancy being what they are (see my week 35 update), I’ve decided to avoid focusing on them. So instead, my week 36 twin pregnancy experience will focus on what I’m grateful for. And I have a lot to be grateful for.
May my week 36 twin pregnancy experience update be an ode to my awesome hubby.
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I can’t picture what a better husband could have been during this pregnancy. Physically, he took on the bulk of the household responsibilities during pregnancy, especially taking card of our toddler, from feeding, to changing, and bathing her each evening.
Emotionally, he was steady through my ups and downs, understanding when I needed to cry, and a non-judgemental shoulder to lean on.
He’s gone through the fears with me, and let me know we were in this together.

While the months ahead of us are a little scary and unknown, I feel so incredibly lucky that the journey will be at each other’s sides. May I never forget the strength, patience, and hard working nature this man has. We are lucky. I am lucky.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not always perfect. As with every couple, we experience ups and downs. Yet I’m always brought back to remember how fantastic of a person he is, and how lucky I am to have that by my side. I wish that blessing to everyone. It’s what I grew up hoping I might have one day.

Symptoms: Everything. Limited walking. Naps are now pretty much required. Pain upon standing. Heavy weight to carry. Carpal tunnel, stretch marks galore, swollen, itchy fingers, peeing every 30min, hip, back, pelvic pain. Contractions every 6-10min. Love.
Size of Each Baby: Large cantaloupes. TWO large canteloupes.
Size in Singleton Weeks: 46 weeks. Can you imagine?
Read Next:
Last Week: Week 35 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Next Week: Week 37 Twin Pregnancy Experience
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