Week 34 Twin Pregnancy Experience: So Uncomfortable!
That’s it. A twin pregnancy is just ridiculous. I know my OB warned me…but still. In my week 34 twin pregnancy experience, I realize just how uncomfortable it can get.
Allow me this one week’s indulgence in telling it like it is.

When I go to the online messaging boards and see women complaining about how hard the last month of pregnancy is, I have to stop myself from saying “Really, you think carrying 30lbs and a 6lb baby is hard? If you only knew!” Now I will be the first one to tell you how hard that the 9th month of pregnancy is, no matter how many babies you’re growing. I have a toddler who was almost 9lbs at birth, and I remember how uncomfortable those last few weeks can be. But when you’re carrying twins and are this big, this uncomfortable, and this hormonal, sometimes it’s hard to not loose your cool.
I had all the early pregnancy symptoms covered, with my essentials to thrive in a twin pregnancy. But at this point – there are only a few which are still helping (shea butter and belly belt are two huge ones).
I’m now close to 50lbs up and carrying approximately 11lbs of baby. With weeks left to go. The stomach has stretched to unbelievable levels. (Side note, my phone almost corrected that to “unbearable” – trying to tell me something, phone?) The weight is oppressive. The itching is awful and incredibly distracting. The swelling is annoying and uncomfortable.
And you can’t end that paragraph with “I just can’t”. Because you have to. You have to keep going and grow these babies even bigger, even if it is incomprehensible how you can get bigger or more uncomfortable.
Symptoms: Where to begin? My fingers, face and feet are puffy and incredibly itchy. My belly itches like mad, yet is also numb and stingy. My nose gets congested at night, my eyes are blurry, and my ears get muffled, where it feels like I’m underwater. My gums are swollen and bleed. People stare at me as though I’m an oddity walking down the street. It hurts to stand, to roll over, and to get up. A walk of more than 10min send contractions flying. Braxton Hicks hit daily every 7-12 minutes apart, and send me a shot of pain and fear. And there’s just no release.
But all that said…I still desperately want these babies to cook longer. Three more weeks of high uncomfort in order to ensure they have a healthy life…it’s absolutely worth it.
Size of each baby: Pineapples!
Belly size: 44 weeks. Grrrr.
Read Next:
Last Week: Week 33 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Next Week: Week 35 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Tips: Top 10 Essentials to Thrive in Your Twin Pregnancy
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