Week 33 Twin Pregnancy Experience: All About Braxton Hicks
Can I just say, contractions suck? In my week 33 twin pregnancy experience, I talk all about contractions. I know they’re only Braxton Hicks, but here is why these “practice” contractions are not fun:
1. Sometimes they come every 10min regularly. Many publications say to go in when you get more than 4/hour.
2. The fear. Each time you experience them, you worry the babies are coming too early.
3. The pain. No, they are not always painless. It’s never bad enough to warrant a trip to the doctor, but you still have to endure pain every day similar bad menstrual cramps.

Some women don’t get them at all (lucky ducks). Others, like me, have them start in week 13 and can easily have 20+ a day. “Oh don’t worry,” our doc says. “Only go in if they’re 5min apart.” Easier said than done, when you worry the babies may be coming! We’ve made it to week 33 though, with none of them progressing into actual labor. Hallelujah!
I’ve made it to that point where it’s obvious that I’m bigger than any woman carrying a singleton. When we first found out we were having twins, I would scroll through Google Images of full term twin bellies and my jaw would drop. Seriously, take a gander if you haven’t before, it’s shocking. Today, I was scrolling through pics of full term singleton pregnancies and thought they all seemed quite small. Oh, how far we’ve come (literally!).
It appears as though people around me are noticing too. I’ve gone past the point of getting sweet smiles at my belly when out and about. It now seems as though every person on the street stares when I walk by. Even the doctor at our last appointment asked to take a photo of me. My oh my.
In other news, we’ve pretty much wrapped up our shopping list. I knew we wouldn’t need to double everything, so made sure to only get one of certain items, like these. For those interested, I’ve also compiled a free printable twin baby shopping checklist in the Ultimate Minimalist Twin Shopping Guide.
Symptoms: Hip pain, lower back pain. Heaviness (which is inevitable when you’re up almost 40lbs). Insomina. Contractions, which become stronger if I’m on my feet for more than 15 minutes.
Size of babies: Honeydew melons
Belly size in singleton weeks: 42 weeks. Huge!
Last Week: Week 32 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Next Week: Week 34 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Tips: What NOT To Double When Buying Twin Gear\
Tips: Ultimate Minimalist Twin Baby Registry Checklist (free download)
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