Week 32 Twin Pregnancy Experience: Measuring more than full term!
In my week 32 twin pregnancy experience, I realize how incredible pregnancy is…despite how huge I’m getting. Because as difficult as the later stages of a twin pregnancy are, and as painful as some of the symptoms may be, there’s something…glorious about it.
Knowing that you’re growing not one, but two beautiful babies in there is a pretty incredible feeling. Seeing their little kicks against your belly, and bringing them everywhere you go…it’s such a special feeling that I can’t even accurately put it into words.

I notice people getting curious when I’m out and about. The “When are you due”s are becoming more and more frequent, as my belly is now bigger than a full term singleton. This question inevitably leads to the following convo:
Person: “When are you due?”
Me: “Late July. But it’s twins so they’re likely to come about a month early.”
Person: “Oh wow! Twins!”
Me: “Yeah”
Person: “How exciting!”
Me: “Yes! Exciting and scary and awesome.”
Person: “Do you know their genders?”
Me: “Yes, but we’re not sharing yet.”
Person: “Congratulations! Good luck!”
If I could count the number of times I’ve had that conversation! It’s sweet, and feels awesome knowing that everyone cares so much. But I do smile when someone asks “When are you due?”, knowing exactly how the next 60 seconds will play out.
My husband has been a great support. He’s been taking care of our toddler’s entire bedtime routine while I put my feet up. I’m so grateful, as it’s becoming increasingly difficult for me to parent solo when he works late.
In other news, this is my first week off of work. It’s been a busy one running from appointment to appointment and catching up on all the baby prep I didn’t have time to do while working. I’ve tried to load up these early weeks in case the babies choose to arrive early (crossing my fingers they stay growing as long as possible). A huge perk of being off is daytime naps. They have been AMAZING. I didn’t realize how much my body needed the extra rest. I haven’t gone a day without a nap since I’ve been off.
Symptoms: Sharp hip pain while sleeping. It feels like a grown man is sitting on my hip and the only way to relieve it is to roll over, which now feels like a herculean task. ITCHY and stinging belly. Insomnia (it’s baaaack).
Babies are each the size of: Head of lettuce
Belly size in singleton weeks: 41. And each day it’s getting bigger! Oh boy.
Last Week: Week 31 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Next Week: Week 33 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Tips: Ultimate Minimalist Twin Baby Registry Checklist (free download!)
Follow along on social @TwinWinning!