Week 29 Twin Pregnancy Experience: Measuring Full Term!
Per the last measurement from the doc, I’m measuring to 38 weeks of a singleton pregnancy. No wonder the aches and pains have arrived! In my week 29 twin pregnancy experience, I start to wonder just how big I’m going to get!
At our ultrasound last week, the babies measured 2.5lbs (girl) and 3.25lbs (boy). Considering the average is just under 2.5lbs at this point, it’s a good size for both!
Myself, I put on an average of 2lbs/wk over the past 4 weeks. I’m quite happy with that…and when else in your life can you say that! At this rate, it would put me at around +50 pounds by 38 weeks. I’d be quite happy with that, as it’s a healthy weight gain for twins, and means the babies will have put on a good amount but I didn’t let the weight gain get out of control.

In other news, the lovely second trimester of very few symptoms has most certainly passed. I’ve been feeling uncomfortably warm in our condo. The nights can be especially bad, with the skin on my belly starting to itch like crazy. Our doctor gave me a prescription, but I’m hesitant to use it. She’s assured me it won’t hurt the babies, but I become extra cautious when pregnant. I’m trying all the natural lotions and potions, coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, and cool cloths to numb the itch, but it’s so annoying!
With measuring almost full term, I can only imagine the stretching of the belly skin to come. I feel it itching, stretching and…almost stinging, as it tears little new purple stripes over my belly. I try to not care, but there are moments I fear what my belly post-baby will become. These marks are just one more way that having kids takes a toll on your body. From the pains, to insomnia, from stretch marks, to breastfeeding, and the physical recovery post-baby…as a woman you really do physically give a lot of yourself to these bambinos.
Symptoms: Back & hip pain, painful belly skin stretching, Braxton Hicks contractions (low pain & some regularity which I’m starting to monitor). Also itchy skin is driving me crazy!
Babies are each the size of: Small cabbage heads
Belly size in singleton weeks: 38, per the last fundal measurement from the doc. Yikes!
Read next:
Last week: Week 28 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Next week: Week 30 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Tips: 10 Ways to Make a Twin Pregnancy Easier
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