Week 28 Twin Pregnancy Experience: Hello 3rd Trimester!
The week 28 twin pregnancy experience brings something pretty awesome – the 3rd trimester! We’ve hit yet another milestone, and each time we do I feel like bursting with joy. I hope the babies are thriving, growing, and getting stronger every day.

How does it feel, physically, to be entering the 3rd trimester? Well, there’s some pain and heaviness, but there are also days where I feel almost normal. Yet again, I tell myself to remember to pause. To remember that this bulging belly in front of me, home to my sweet children, is temporary. Once it’s gone, it’s never coming back again. I want to treasure these moments, and give them little hugs every hour of the day.
Another joy to the third trimester is monthly ultrasounds and biweekly doctor appointments. I get so excited to see the little ones, and hubby joins every one. Afterwards, we grab a coffee and hit up a shop together – almost like a mini afternoon date. And while some don’t enjoy doctor visits, I see it as a chance to ask questions, check our stats, monitor progress, and prepare our birth plan. I love tracking our analytics and progress. Plus, our OB is pretty awesome.
Symptoms: Lower back pain. A little sciatic pain. Hip pain when sleeping (seems to go away upon getting up). Belly has started to become itchy, which means stretch marks are unfortunately not far off.
Babies are each the size of: Cucumbers!
Belly size in singleton weeks: 36. No wonder things are feeling heavy! I’m already carrying almost the size of a full term baby, with an entire trimester left to go!

Read Next:
Last Week: Week 27 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Next Week: Week 29 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Tips: 10 Ways to Make a Twin Pregnancy Easier
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