Week 27 Twin Pregnancy Experience: Last Week of the 2nd Trimester!
The week 27 twin pregnancy experience brings the last week of the 2nd trimester. How crazy is that?! We’re more than 2/3 of the way through (as twins don’t make it to 40 weeks), which is exciting and scary at the same time! There’s still a fair amount left to do, like getting the crib & car seats, finish buying registry items, sterilizing bottles, etc., but I’m trying not to stress. Luckily I have my ultimate minimalist twin baby registry guide to guide me.
One silly, yet exciting thing about entering the 3rd trimester? You get to eat more! Babies go from needing 300 cals/day/baby, to 500. That’s an extra 400 calories for me to enjoy daily! Though if I’m being real…about half the time I already hit those numbers. It’s SO hard to only eat the right amount. And with some baby books saying that twins are born healthier to women who eat up to 3,500 calories, it’s tempting to throw caution to the wind.

However, I know there are drawbacks to eating too much, such as higher chance for pre-eclamsia, gestational diabetes, extra stretch marks, etc. So I try to eat at least enough…and sometimes a little more. But I can’t lie that going up to 1,000 calories a day just for the babies is exciting!
The past two weeks I’ve been solo parenting while hubby has been working in England. I’m so excited for him to come home tomorrow! It makes me realize that while a part of me really loves the idea of being a stay-at-home mom (Instagram makes it look awesome), I do also get a lot of fulfillment out of my career. And while it’s so tempting to feel guilty about that, I really don’t need to. I’ve also been bit by the entrepreneurial bug again. I wonder what this coming year of maternity leave will bring?
< editor’s note: this is around the time I decided to start this blog! >
We also let our nanny and nanny share family know that we’ll be leaving them as of July. The thought is a tad terrifying. How will I be able to cope with newborn twins and a two-year old, even with my Mom or sister here? And what about when they leave?? I hope it’s the right decision. Or is eating into savings to bring in some level of support the right decision? Only time will tell.

Symptoms: Hip pain, back pain, heartburn, itchy stomach.
Babies are each the size of: Cucumbers!
Belly size in singleton weeks: 35 weeks (though looking at the picture below does it seem like more??)
Read next:
Last Week: Week 26 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Next Week: Week 28 Twin Pregnancy Experience (3rd trimester!)
Tips: Twin Baby Gear Must Haves to Make Your Life Easier
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