Week 26 Twin Pregnancy Experience: Getting Ready to Be a Mom of Three
The pregnancy aches are starting. Lower back pain when sitting, hip pain when sleeping, a bit of sciatic pain shooting down leg…it’s all bearable now, but how bad is it going to get?? There’s also a fair amount of abdominal pressure, which brings its own set of worries. Who said pregnancy is easy, am I right? In my week 26 twin pregnancy experience, I start getting ready to be a mom of three.
I’ve been trying to limit physical activity a bit, all in an effort to keep these babies cooking as long as possible. My top essentials to thrive in a twin pregnancy are helping, but there can still be tough moments. I’m still doing the 30 minute walk to and from the office, which has been feeling good. Also in my week 26 twin pregnancy experience, I start to process what it will be like to be a mom of three.

I also worry about weight gain every day, in BOTH directions. Gain too little, and your babies are at risk of preterm delivery. Gain too much, and babies may come early from gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, etc. Plus there’s the potential damage to mom’s body. I’ve been trying to find the perfect balance, but it’s so hard to know exactly what to do. Couple that with a massive chocolate craving…and it’s dangerous!
I think we can all agree that while rewarding, parenting isn’t always easy. Parenting solo for two weeks, while pregnant with twins and both mom and the toddler have a cold, is definitely not easy. Hubby is gone to England for work this week, and while it’s been awesome hanging out with our toddler solo, there have also been times when pregnancy hormones surged and I broke down in tears.
I recharge on alone time; having zero is tough. You don’t realize how the small things can get to you when you’re parenting solo, like a kid refusing to clean up her toys when I can barely bend down with my growing belly. I missed my hubby, and parenting solo made me realize just how much he does around here. I used to think being a stay at home mom would be so glamorous. Now, I’m extremely grateful to have my career and the office to escape to. Don’t get me wrong. Being a parent has been the most rewarding, incredible, fulfilling thing I have ever done. I love Kai so freaking much. The day I became a parent and met her was very likely the best moment of my life.
But I’m realizing that having an adult life, and contributing to society through my career may be valuable to me too. And, of course, because I’m a mom, I feel guilt over that. Honestly, how do we moms remove guilt from our repertoire?? Another take away from this week: if I found caring for one two-year old hard…how on earth am I going to manage three of them?? I can only hope I’ll be everything they need me to be.

Symptoms: A few aches starting, with lower back, hip and sciatic pains popping up. Still obsessed with food, and Braxton Hicks continuing. I’ve also been feeling the babies move a lot more lately. They’re kicking, and squiggling, and giving me little punches. I love you too, munchkins!
Babies are each the size of: Eggplants. Huge!
Belly size in singleton weeks: 34 weeks. We’re getting up there!
Read next:
Last Week: Week 25 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Next Week: Week 27 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Tips: Top 10 Essentials to Thrive in Your Twin Pregnancy
Tips: Twin Baby Gear Must Haves
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