Week 24 Twin Pregnancy Experience: Viability!
Food, glorious food! It hasn’t just been the focus of my week 24 twin pregnancy experience. It’s been on my mind constantly the past few weeks. I go to bed dreaming about food, and I wake up with cravings. I fantasize about it on my walk to the office, and I can’t wait until lunchtime. If you’ve ever gotten cravings during regular pregnancy, just wait. A twin pregnancy is next level. I’ve been tracking everything I eat into My Fitness Pal to ensure I don’t go overboard on calorie consumption, but oh my. I could go big.
It’s interesting, I’ve never had an appetite like this when not pregnant. Sure, there are peaks where I’ve wanted to indulge a bit more than usual, like at Christmas, but it usually balances out in time. With this pregnancy and with my last, though, food has dominated my thoughts. I want to inhale everything around me! It’s also not like I can start dieting – so finding the right balance is hard. In normal life, I’d go to low-cal foods, maybe skip breakfast, etc., but neither of those are an option in a twin pregnancy.

We had our monthly ultrasound this week, which is always an exciting time. Getting to see them is a highlight of my month, and hubby has been able to attend every one. Both babies are growing well, with baby A at 680g, and baby B at 860g (compared to the 650g average by 24wks). I guess all that eating is accomplishing something! I’m quite proud that they’re above average, as the more I can do now to grow them now, the better their odds are if I have to deliver early.
Which, speaking of – week 24 is viability! The babies now have a chance of surviving out of the womb. Granted 24 weeks is a bit too early to celebrate, as their chances would be extremely low, and long-term complications high, but still. It’s a milestone!
But back to food. The biggest cravings? Poutine, chocolate and cheese. Insert an emoji of me rolling my eyes here. Couldn’t it be for cucumber and kale?? I don’t always indulge. My aim is to hit 100g of protein (lots of chicken at lunch), plus limiting sugar as much as I can (we’ve had 7 liters of OJ in the house for the past three weeks and I’ve barely touched it). But let me tell you, the chocolate is like tempting hands of smoke, curling in my direction and luring me towards the kitchen.

Symptoms: HUNGER! Hunger, hunger, hunger. I also have a bit of a sore back and some mild swelling in my feet, but it subsides if I put them up.
Babies are each the size of: Ears of corn
Belly size in singleton weeks: 32 weeks
Read Next:
Last Week: Week 23 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Next Week: Week 25 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Tips: The Essential 15: Twin Baby Gear Must Haves to Make Your Life Easier
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