Week 22 Twin Pregnancy Experience: Getting a Cold While Pregnant
Having a cold is not fun. Having a cold while pregnant just plain sucks. I’ve woken up the last three nights with a brutal sinus headache, unable to take anything for it. Luckily I’ve been able to work from home home, but this is just another pain you have to simply endure during pregnancy. A takeaway from my week 22 twin pregnancy experience is that pregnant moms are truly warriors.

On the plus side, I’m starting to feel these little bananas kick and move around. It really is incredible to experience, and helps to develop our bond. Baby B is upwards and to the right, and seems to be more active. Baby A is downwards and to the left and seems to be a bit less active, but it’s likely because she’s covered by one of the placentas. They nudge me, and cuddle me, and bring smiles to my face multiple times a day. One day this week when baby B was giving me nudges, I started talking to him, and a smile overtook my face. Despite the uncomfort and despite the fear, the love always remains.
Symptoms: More movement – little kicks and jabs that are adorable to watch. There’s now a feeling of fullness, and there’s a touch of lower back pain. Around 15-20 Braxton Hicks contractions a day continue.
Babies are each the size of: Spaghetti Squash. It seems so big, yet so teeny at the same time.
Belly size in singleton weeks: 28 wks (20cm) – 3rd trimester size!
Read Next:
Last Week: Week 21 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Next Week: Week 23 Twin Pregnancy Experience
The Essential 15: Twin Baby Gear Must Haves to Make Your Life Easier

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