Morning Sickness Remedies when Your’e Pregnant with Twins

Has morning sickness hit you hard? Been there. I’ve talked about the top 10 essentials to thrive in your twin pregnancy, but it’s worth taking a minute to talk about morning sickness itself. Also known as nausea of pregnancy, it can be debilitating for twin mamas to be. One of the hardest parts? Many women are trying to hide their pregnancy at the exact time when it hits you hardest. This means you have to pretend that you feel fine, when in reality, you’re just a bite away from vomiting.
For those of us pregnant with multiples? It can affect you even stronger. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide on morning sickness remedies when you’re pregnant with twins. Because let’s face it: we moms-to-be of multiples need all the support we can get!

Keep Your Stomach Full (But Not Too Full)
Have you noticed that nausea can be even worse when you haven’t eaten in a few hours? It can be one of the reasons nausea peaks when you have an empty stomach: think mornings, dinner time, and before bed. The best thing you can do to keep morning sickness at bay, is to ensure your blood sugar level doesn’t get too low.
If you think dinner may run late, have a snack just in case. If you normally eat breakfast at work, have some before you leave the house. Eating small, frequent meals can be much than going from famished to full – neither of which feels good with morning sickness.
Eat Before Getting Out of Bed
There’s a reason they call it morning sickness. Many of us have felt our stomachs start to wretch before the first bite of food has even hit our tongues. As such, a great tip is to keep a snack on your bedside table so you can have a few bites before going vertical in the morning. A box of crackers can be a great help.
Time Prenatal Vitamins Well
If there was one thing that could trigger vomiting for me, it was taking my prenatal vitamin on an empty stomach. For some reason, I just couldn’t handle the digestion of it in the morning, even if I had had a few crackers before getting up. Adjusting the time you take your prenatal vitamin to after you’ve eaten a small meal might just help you get through.
Get Fresh Air
While going for a walk may not appeal to you when you feel so sick, clean, crisp, fresh air can often help. Plus, it’s always good to get the body moving. A quick walk around the block, or even to a local park bench can be a great way to infuse some freshness into your day.
Try Acupressure Bands
Initially created for motion sickness, acupressure bands can offer some pregnant women relief from nausea. They work by positioning a plastic piece over a pressure point in the wrist, which the creators say can help keep nausea at bay. They’re also safe to use for long-term relief, and are machine washable. If you’re looking for a non-drug, non-food option, this may be for you.
Indulge in Naps
Like you needed another reason to add naps to your repertoire! As you’re likely already exhausted from the pregnancy, this is just one more reason to rest up. For one, you don’t experience nausea when you’re asleep. For another, being well rested ensures you have the reserves in place to take on your day. Give in to what your body is asking for, and indulge in the afternoon or post-work nap when possible. This one can be one of the most enjoyable morning sickness remedies when you’re pregnant with twins!

Go for Ginger
When searching for morning sickness remedies when you’re pregnant with twins, there are several foods that can help take the edge off. Assuming ginger isn’t one of your strong aversions, try incorporating it into your diet. You can try a ginger tea, adding fresh ginger into your recipes, or my personal favorite, ginger chews. They can come flavored in orange, raspberry, or several other scents, and can be a quick relief.
Munch on Mint
Whether it’s peppermint essential oil (make sure to get the green light with your practitioner first), mint leaves, mint gum, or a pack of mints, many women claim a dose of freshness is just what works for them. Mint can be the refresher you need to get through another hour without vomiting. And just in case you do end up hugging the porcelain? Popping some mint into your mouth can be a welcome taste.
Crave Crackers
Keep them at your bedside table, keep some in your car, keep some at the office, and even keep some in your purse if you can. Find a cracker that works for you, and stash it everywhere you can. These magical crisps can help avoid a run to the restroom, and put some color back in your cheeks. Just stick to the bland ones, and avoid the strongly flavored garlic and chili until your appetite has returned.
Reach for Citrus
Many pregnant women claim that citrus can be a great reliever of nausea. Lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruit can all add a dose of freshness. Try some hot lemon water at the office, or a couple tangerines as a mid-morning snack. Can’t bear the thought of eating citrus? Even smelling a sliced lemon can help. Some moms claim San Pellegrino soda, or flavored Perrier can do the trick as well. An extra dose of vitamin C is sure to do the body well!
Pop Those Preggie Pops
If fresh citrus isn’t your thing, you can always go for the candy version. Preggie Pops is a company that makes lollipops and drop candies specifically for pregnant women. Keep a few in your pocket or purse for nausea emergencies, like important work meetings where you can’t step out. This secret candy can be one of the great morning sickness remedies when you’re pregnant with twins.
Nix Strong Spice & Fat
Imagine you had a stomach flu. Would the first thing you reached for be deep fried chili chicken? I didn’t think so. When your stomach is in upheaval, it’s time to be kind to it. While garlic may be your favorite food, now may be time for it to take a back seat for the more bland foods. And heavy fats can make you feel just that…heavy. Stick to the lighter, fresher foods and avoid big, bold flavors. Trust me, there will be time for rich foods later in pregnancy.
Avoid Aversions
Does the smell of chicken make you want to run to the restroom? Or does the thought of spinach make your stomach roll? This one is simple – avoid them. While getting the right vitamins and nutrients is critical in pregnancy, they’re not going to do you any good if you promptly throw them up. Do yourself a favor, and if you have a strong aversion, simply avoid it. Figure out the healthy, nutritious foods that appeal to you, and stock up on them. Your appetite will most likely return in the 2nd trimester, so for now, ease up and give yourself a break.
Recap: Morning Sickness Remedies When You’re Pregnant with Twins
So there you have it! The comprehensive guide to morning sickness remedies when you’re pregnant with twins. From what to add to your diet, what to remove, and what strategies you can adopt, there’s sure to be something in here that can work for you. Pick the ones that do, add them to your repertoire, and take solace in the fact that the magical second trimester is right around the corner. If you want more tips, check out 10 ways to make your twin pregnancy easier.
Disclaimer: As with most things in pregnancy, check in with your practitioner to ensure these will work for you. Also, as an Amazon associate, I have the potential to earn from qualifying purchases. I only link to products that I think will truly help twin moms. Cheers!\
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Top 10 Essentials to THRIVE in Your Twin Pregnancy
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