Week 19 Twin Pregnancy Journey: Where Does the Time Go?
We’ve hit our week 19 twin pregnancy journey – it feels like time is zipping by! The nesting part of me is kicking into high gear, giving me the strong urge to get our house in gear. Baby & furniture shopping started over the weekend, as 37 weeks (hopefully we make it that far!) will be here before we know it. I’m so eager to clear out our storage room, get a new wall storage system, and declutter. Am I the only one who goes nesting haywire?

I’m also at the beginning stages of starting to feel heavy. It comes and goes…however, if I’m feeling it already, can you even contemplate 37 weeks? I’m also focusing on eating healthy and trying to limit stress. Which is easier said than done with a high responsibility job and a toddler to run after.
But I know that believing in positivity, practicing deep breathing, and remembering gratitude can only bring good things to these little babies. I want to do everything I can to help give them the absolute best start to life. I love you so much already, little ones.
Next up – our 20-week ultrasound! We’re so looking forward to seeing these babies, and knowing that everything is healthy inside their little home. Getting to see your teeny babies is the best!
Symptoms: Heaviness. When I walk, when I roll over in bed, it just feels…heavy. The skin over my belly has started to feel a bit dry/stretched (yes, already). And there are some increased Braxton Hicks contractions, which I’m keeping an eye on.
Babies are each the size of: Heirloom tomatoes (15cm)
Belly size in singleton weeks: 25 weeks
Read Next:
Last Week: Week 18 Twin Pregnancy Journey
Next Week: Week 20 Twin Pregnancy Journey
Tips: What NOT to Get Two of for Twins
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