Week 18 Twin Pregnancy Journey: Halfway There!
Are we really at 18 weeks? HOW have we gotten here so quickly? It’s hard to believe we’re almost at the halfway mark (or really, at the halfway mark if we go the average gestation of twins). It’s exciting, and amazing, and (I just realized as I typed the last sentence) we have so much more to do before the babies come. Wow.
Every week that passes, I get a teeny bit more stressed that we don’t have the house in order yet. Pregnancy nesting is very real, especially in our week 18 twin pregnancy journey, making me itch to get our house ready.

I also had the first day of a big appetite. Lunch was followed by four snacks – and I still was not full. All this time, I had been thinking that my appetite just wouldn’t get that big this go around. Not so much! I’ve been so eager to gain a good amount of weight during the first half of pregnancy (per the book What to Expect When You’re Having Twins, Triplets, or Quads), that I forgot my body knows what to do during the second half. The appetite has arrived! I just really want to help keep these babies in and allow them to grow as big as possible before they come, and it’s hard to know the right amount to eat to ensure that.
Symptoms: Little wiggles inside of my belly 🙂 The first day of a huge appetite (though I have a feeling it won’t be the last).
Babies are each the size of: Sweet potatoes (14cm)
Belly size in singleton weeks: 24 weeks (there’s no hiding it now!)
Read Next:
Last Week: Week 17 Twin Pregnancy Journey
Next Week: Week 19 Twin Pregnancy Journey
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