Top 10 Essentials to Thrive in Your Twin Pregnancy
Let’s face it mamas – twin pregnancy isn’t easy! Between the exhaustion, nausea, sore back, huge belly, and running to the loo every 10 minutes, we need all the help we can get. That’s why it’s helpful to have some tricks in your back pocket. We’ve pulled together our list on the top 10 ways to make twin pregnancy easier. Now here’s our list of the top 10 essentials to thrive in your twin pregnancy.
If you’re in the early stages of a twin pregnancy and struggling with morning sickness (which can be doubly rough with two in there!), check out our post on morning sickness remedies when you’re pregnant with twins. And for planning what gear you’ll need for twins, don’t forget to check out our ultimate minimalist twin baby registry checklist. But without further ado – here’s the top 10 essentials to thrive in your twin pregnancy!

1. Pregnancy Books
First up in the top 10 essentials to thrive in your twin pregnancy are books on expecting multiples. My goal was to keep the babies cooking until they reached 37 weeks and 6lbs each. We ended up making it until 37.5 weeks, with 6lb and 8lb babies. I attribute that success to these two books more than anything else I read. Specifically When You’re Expecting Twins, Triplets or Quads by Dr. Barbara Luke had practical and scientifically proven tips. Its advice on how to manage weight gain, activity levels, and how to prepare for twins were excellent.
2. Pregnancy Pillow
Let’s face it, your body will likely ache at some point during twin pregnancy. For starters, you can put on anywhere from 35-55 pounds (and that’s just the recommendation…ever known anyone to go over?). That weight gain alone can be uncomfortable. Tack on the stretching belly, swollen feet, stuffy nose, and all the other symptoms, and it’s no wonder you need some help. Luckily, a pregnancy pillow like the Snoogle can do the trick! It wraps around your entire body and cradles the areas that need a little extra support.
3. Belly Band
Not only are you carrying dozens of extra pounds, those pounds are heavily centered in your abdomen. That means your center of gravity has now shifted, putting extra pressure on ares like your spine. That’s where a belly support band can come in handy. It helps to lift and support your growing belly, easing back pain. It can be helpful in all pregnancies, but especially so with twins. I was able to avoid it in my first pregnancy (even when putting on 50lbs). But in my twin pregnancy? Mandatory.
4. Organic Shea Butter
There are a thousand and one lotions and potions on the market touting their ability to prevent stretch marks. The real story? Few of them will be able to do anything. Stretch marks are primarily determined by genetics, meaning there’s not much a lotion can do for them. Therefore, why risk adding chemicals to your skincare routine? If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, why slather them on your body?
My personal mantra is that if I wouldn’t put it in my body, it doesn’t go on my body. That’s why 100% organic shea butter made it on the top 10 essentials to thrive in your twin pregnancy, and was my belly butter of choice. It’s thick enough that it doesn’t wisk away immediately, and natural enough that you can feel good about your choice.
5. Extra Large Maternity Clothes
Here’s a little hint for you expectant mamas of multiples – you’re likely to get bigger than you did with your singletons. I, myself, was carrying 14 pounds of babies at the end…that makes for a pretty huge belly. By the time I gave birth at 37.5 weeks, my regular maternity pants had long been folded away.
If you’re regularly a small or medium sized girl, consider buying at least one pair of pants a size or two up. I personally recommend leggings and dresses – I lived in them not only at the end of pregnancy, but also during the first few weeks postpartum.
6. My Fitness Pal

While twin pregnancies do allow you to eat more than usual, they also come with certain nutritional requirements. Ensuring you get enough protein, not too much sugar, and the proper amount of calories (not too many, not too few), you’ll give your babies the best chance to stay in utero as long as possible. My Fitness Pal is an app that allows you to understand how much protein, fiber, sugar, and certain vitamins you’re getting through your diet. Knowledge is power, and this allows you to indulge and cut back where you like.
7. 1L Glass Water Bottle
How does a water bottle make the top 10 essentials to thrive in your twin pregnancy list, you may ask? It’s not until pregnancy that you start understand how important water consumption can be. Not drinking enough can leave you sluggish, extra tired, and worse: dehydration can lead to contractions, meaning it’s never been more important than usual to reach for your H2O. However, I think we can all agree that it’s difficult to ensure you’re drinking enough. That’s why a 1-liter glass water bottle is key. Fill it up before each meal, and you can be sure you’ve gotten in 3 liters each day. I prefer a glass water bottle covered in silicone (#NoChemicals), sometimes with some fresh fruit added in.
8. Preggie Pops
Let’s get real – most pregnant women get some form of morning sickness, myself included. Expecting multiples? It’s almost guaranteed. One of the main ways to stave off the urge to vomit is simply ensuring that you eat. Skipping meals is a sure fire way to bring on the nausea. Another tip from those who have been there, is that tart, sour flavors (such as those in citrus) often help. Many women find themselves craving tangerines, oranges, and grapefruits throughout pregnancy. Preggie Pops have capitalized on that, by making candies specifically catering to that craving. So if you can’t stomach the thought of grapefruit in between meals, reach for one of these. And if you’d prefer a lower-cost option, Jolly Ranchers do much the same thing.
9. Breastfeeding Bras
Yes, your boobs will likely grow in pregnancy. Instead of investing in expensive lingerie you’ll only wear for a few months, instead think about going for maternity bras early.
You’ll need them eventually anyway, they’ll be bigger than your usual bras, and they usually don’t have any uncomfortable underwires to worry about. Wins all around!
10. Shoes a Size Up
Another body part that grows along with your belly? Your feet. Experts say your foot size can actually change during pregnancy, not to mention the water retention that can cause additional swelling (make sure to check with your doc that it’s not a symptom of anything serious). It’s for that reason that getting shoes a size up rounds out our top 10 essentials to thrive in your twin pregnancy. It’s time to stash away the stilettos, and go for a more safe flat style, potentially a size up, during the last few months of pregnancy. You’ll thank me later.

So there you have it!
Will these products turn your pregnancy into an walk in the park? No…but they can take the edge off what’s sure to be a hard few months. A twin pregnancy is legitimate, and can get pretty rough near the end. These tips can help you manage the uncomfort and help get as close to that due date as possible.
Hopefully these top 10 essentials to thrive in your twin pregnancy can help you grow strong, healthy babies. Stay strong, super mamas!
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