Week 15 Twin Pregnancy Journey: Starting to Spread the News!
We’ve started spreading the news! We’ve told most of our family and friends by this point, our week 15 twin pregnancy journey. The reactions have ranged from “oh wow, that’s so amazing!” to “better you than me!”. I try to not roll my eyes at that last one.
We’re going on vacation to Hawaii next week, and I’m so excited for the babymoon. Partially, because this could be our last vacation for a loooooong time. I’m vowing to keep off of my phone, spend as much time in the sunshine as possible, and soak in all the aloha spirit as possible.

Our week 15 twin pregnancy journey had us see our OB for the first time this week – and we just love her. She helped us feel relaxed, reassured and calm, regardless of the number of fetuses growing in there. She also gave me a few local twin resources. Just knowing there are other people to relate to, who know what you’re going through, and are going through it too, makes me feel so much more capable to take this on.
A perk of our OB is that she has an ultrasound machine onsite. She asked if we wanted to know the genders. Wait – aren’t you supposed to wait until 20 weeks? Nope, our OB is that good, that she can find out at 15! She wrote it on a paper for us to open when we were ready. While getting up, however, I inadvertently saw part of it. BOY, in big capital letters flashed before me, before I was able to avert my eyes.
Oh wow…we’re having a BOY!
There will be a boy in our family! Boys seem so rambunctious, I imagine it being so different than having a girl. My hubby is so excited, getting the chance to raise a son. After I told him, he seemed to take it in stride. Then I think excitement took hold, as I checked my phone later that afternoon and saw the sweetest, best messages, about how lucky he felt we were, and that he couldn’t picture doing this with anyone else. The gratitude I felt coming from him energizes me.
As for the other gender? We’ve decided to wait and open the letter in Hawaii. Oh, the anticipation!
My Week 15 Twin Pregnancy Symptoms
Symptoms: Honestly, I feel like I say this so often, but so few symptoms! Which couldn’t be more different than my first pregnancy, with the constant nausea, the tears and the exhaustion. Our OB warned us to enjoy it, as by 30 weeks there’s a good chance I could be stuck on the couch, and by 37 weeks I’ll be begging her for relief (her words). I’m hoping it’s an exaggeration?
But for now, I just have a quietly growing belly, normal to slightly increased appetite, almost no nausea, no major complications, no haywire emotions. #thankful. Sure, I still adore naps, and the insomnia is still there, and I’ve started having Braxton Hicks contractions (they started early last time too). But maybe after having gone through a harder pregnancy last time, I feel as though this pregnancy is a breeze? I’ll just try to enjoy it while it lasts.
Babies are each the size of: Navel oranges (wow!!)
Belly size in singleton weeks: 21 weeks

Read Next:
Last Week: Week 14 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Next Week: Week 16 Twin Pregnancy Journey
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