Week 14 Twin Pregnancy Experience: Hiding The Bump
Hiding a pregnant belly at 14 weeks can be a challenge. Hiding a pregnant belly with twins at 14 weeks (when it’s your 2nd pregnancy to boot) can be ridiculous. Trying to keep it under wraps was definitely a theme for my week 14 twin pregnancy experience.
I flew to Austin, TX this week for a week-long offsite conference and office visit, meeting a bunch of coworkers for the first time. The loose tops and blazers gave me some coverage, but “who am I kidding” definitely crossed my mind. I have a sense that when I announce this news, it won’t be a shock for many.

I did get a chance this week to tell my boss the news. His reaction was great, even when I shared that Canadians generally take more than 12 weeks maternity leave. “Well…the laws in Canada actually cover 18 months.” (Though it’s unlikely I’ll take that long). That must have been a bit of a shocker! He congratulated me and said all the right things – what a relief. We’ll figure out a plan, and work hard until the end.
One other thing about being in Texas – they say everything is bigger there, and that certainly applies to the food. I worried last week that I wasn’t consuming enough calories and protein to grow these two little lemons. Well have no fear, Texas was here!
I came away from every meal physically in pain from having eaten so much. It’s an interesting balance between not eating enough (did I mention that gaining less than 1.5 lb/wk is correlated to preterm labor per my prenatal book?), vs. aiming to not become as big as a house. Just another example of how “balance” is elusive in my week 14 twin pregnancy experience.
My Week 14 Twin Pregnancy Symptoms
Symptoms: A big belly. Honestly, it seems like this belly at 14 weeks is close to my belly at the halfway point last time. Due to some complications and bed rest, I didn’t announce my first pregnancy to the office until 20 weeks. But again, who was I kidding trying to hide it? Also, the bloating and pain from large meals is becoming icky (my informal, unmedical diagnosis). Time to switch to smaller, more frequent meals.
Babies are each the size of: Lemons
Belly size in singleton weeks: 20 weeks – yet still trying to hide it!
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Next Week: Week 15 Twin Pregnancy Experience
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