Week 13 Twin Pregnancy Experience: Hello 2nd Trimester!
One thing I haven’t talked about much yet? How great it can be to be pregnant (when you ignore the many symptoms). Wherever you go, you’re taking your little baby with you. It’s a special joy that only you can experience, almost like a constant hug. There’s an element of love that surrounds you. That’s the key takeaway from my week 13 twin pregnancy experience.

Time, I’m finding, can be interesting. It sometimes feels like these 9 months stretch on endlessly. Yet other times, it feels like it’s a drop in the bucket of my life. Knowing that this will likely be our last pregnancy, I’m trying to relish it. Yes, there are the discomforts, and I’m sure that as my belly grows (and grows, and grows), that there’s a chance the pregnancy glow will fade into a cranky, uncomfortable mama-to-be. But as I progress to this happy 2nd trimester, I’m trying to savor this feeling. It may be the only time left to experience it.
Just like the adorable, exhausting newborn days, there will come a time when I miss what my body is experiencing right now, and the connection I have with my little ones. It’s a good reminder to forget about life’s daily stresses and responsibilities, and to focus on the joy.
My Week 13 Twin Pregnancy Symptoms
Symptoms: Were you ever nervous to tell your office about your pregnancy? I laid awake for 3 hours the other night, worried about how to tell my boss. Having only been in the role for 3 months, and having just taken on a new team last week, the timing feels awful. Though is there ever a perfect time? Likely not. I just have to think about the bigger picture. Get through the conversations, and reassure them of my commitment to the organization long term.
There have also been a few evenings when, after a large dinner, my stomach felt huge. I Googled “Pregnant twin belly” and – oh wow. I cannot imagine stretching to those proportions! What happens if my belly physically can’t stretch that big? I want to keep these two peaches in here as long as I can. Prematurity is a very real concern with twins!
Babies are each the size of: Peaches (7.6cm)
Belly size in singleton weeks: Measuring about 5 weeks ahead, so 18 weeks at this point! And still trying to hide it.

Read next:
Last week: Week 12 Twin Pregnancy Experience
Next week: Week 14 Twin Pregnancy Experience
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