Week 12 Twin Pregnancy Experience: It’s Starting to Sink In
This new reality is STARTING to settle in. My week 12 twin pregnancy experience is about days when I can’t believe we’re having 2 kids at once. That we’ll be parents of 3. Is it just me, or does the leap from 2 to 3 seem like the biggest leap you can take? You become outnumbered, and things like vehicles, condos, travel, childcare, etc. all become bigger conversations. We just bought our downtown condo. Granted, it has 3 small bedrooms, but will all 5 of us be able to fit in 1,100 square feet?

After letting all these (and many other) worries ruminate, it was time for my follow up ultrasound. In it, I saw two healthy, strong heartbeats (165 and 155 beats/min) – and the relief and joy flooded into me. That sensation alone gave me reassurance that somehow, some way, we will figure this out.
At this stage, I can’t picture ever having alone time again. If you know me, that’s a huge deal; I thrive and regenerate on alone time. I can’t picture going on vacations, what I’ll do when my hubby needs to travel for work, or even if we’ll be able to stay in our home that we just bought. BUT (and this is a huge but), I’m starting to have faith that we will figure it out. What else is parenting, after all, other than figuring it out? We did it when becoming a parent for the first time, and we will do it again. And although I’m still scared of how on earth I’ll be able to manage this new reality, there’s a tiny spark of inner confidence that I’m starting to fuel, that tells me that I can.
My Week 12 Twin Pregnancy Symptoms
Symptoms: Bump is getting bigger, and still trying to hide it! The stuffy nose of pregnancy has returned. It’s like having the tail end of a cold.
But honestly, the symptoms have been so mild compared to pregnancy #1, that I’m very lucky. The first time was filled with morning vomits, evening nausea, back pain, swollen everything, heartburn, insomnia, stuffy nose, snoring, carpal tunnel, etc. From my hours of internet research on twins, however, I get the sense that the last half of twin pregnancies are challenging. I suppose it’s time to enjoy life while it’s not too hard!
Babies are each the size of: Small plums (6.4cm)
Belly size in singleton weeks: Definitely more than 12 weeks! My guess is closer to 16 weeks at this point.

Read Next:
Last Week: Week 11 Twin Pregnancy Story
Next Week: Week 13 Twin Pregnancy Experience
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