Week 11 Twin Pregnancy Story: Twins Are Confirmed!
It has been confirmed. The T word. Our week 11 twin pregnancy story has officially delivered us TWINS.
Oh my goodness.
After we had our first baby, I remember visiting work and people asking what it was like, becoming a parent. My reaction was that it’s…everything. It’s joy and excitement, it’s love and exhaustion, it’s fear, and amazement, and exhalation, and…everything. That’s the only thing I can compare this to.
Learning we’re having twins has thrown so many different emotions my way, all simultaneously. We are so blessed, and so lucky. And also terrified. I’m scared about how those hard, exhausting first 6 months will be. I have worries about how we’ll all fit into our downtown condo, what extra gear we’ll now need. I worry about the pregnancy, and whether I’ll be able to carry them to a healthy date, and prematurity, and selfishly, how HUGE I’ll become. I’m worried about never being able to get out of the house again, let alone travel the globe.

And yet…we’re so incredibly lucky. I grew up in a family of five kids. I saw how close we all became, how much we supported each other, and how we became friends. We even have twin sisters in our family (how did it never crossed my mind that this could happen??), and I see the strong bond they have. As my husband said, we get the chance to shape three amazing people to do great things in the world. What a gift.
So, here I stand, trying to balance joy with fear, and the net result is…hope. I hope I’m strong enough to do this. I hope I can be a good enough mother to support 3 children the way they deserve. And I hope I will sleep again…one day.
My Week 11 Twin Pregnancy Symptoms
Symptoms: Hello bump! If I didn’t have an ultrasound to confirm twins, I would be questioning things now as my belly starts to expand. At 11 weeks, I’m closer to what I was at the 15-16 week mark last time. Doing my best to rock the baggy tops until we’re ready to tell people, but it’s becoming difficult.
I’ve also started feeling low on energy in the morning, before I get in a good dose of calories. I sometimes have to stop on my 15min walk to work to catch my breath. Who knew two little lime-sized bambinos could suck out all of my energy? I better get used to it…
Babies are each the size of: Limes (5cm). So big already!
Belly size in singleton weeks: A bump is starting, and it’s definitely bigger than a typical 11 week bump.

Read Next:
Last Week: Week 10 Twin Pregnancy Story
Next Week: Week 12 Twin Pregnancy Experience
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