Week 10 Twin Pregnancy Story: Twins???
Well, this has been one eventful week. Our Week 10 Twin Pregnancy Story is a big one.
On New Years Eve we attended a wedding in Toronto. While there, I started to not feel well, and all of a sudden, I realized how fragile pregnancy can be. Remembering how complicated our first pregnancy was hit me like a ton of bricks, and it was all I could do to hold it together until the clock struck midnight and we could run to the hospital. All I can say, is thank goodness for my amazing husband. The calmness and reassurance he gave, when he was probably just as worried as I was, is a strength I’m so grateful for.

So we plastered on scared smiles, and pretended to have a fun, carefree time until 12:15 when we grabbed coats and hightailed it to the nearest Emergency Room. Silver lining: hospitals are quiet at midnight on New Year’s Eve. We ended up waiting until 4am, when they finally brought in the ultrasound machine. When we saw that tiny, strong little heartbeat racing away, my tears flowed.
That is, until the doctor moved the ultrasound wand, and we saw another little blob on the screen. And what looked very much like another little baby swimming along inside of it. And the tears stopped, replaced by shock.
Sheer shock.
The doctor caveated that he was not an ultrasound specialist, only an ER doctor, and he could be wrong. It could be just one baby in there. Yet the visual evidence of a twin pregnancy was in front of our eyes.
There were no words. I laughed, the same way you laugh when you’re on a roller coaster that just went down a big hill. “Seriously? No. Seriously?? No…seriously?? No…”. It was a moment of every emotion available: shock, and awe, fear, and excitement, love, and the spiral of all the thousands, endless ways your life will change forevermore from this singular moment in time.
Our week 10 twin pregnancy story concludes with 3 hours of sleep, before boarding our 5 hour plane ride back home. And now we’re in a waiting game of trying to get into a proper ultrasound lab to confirm what’s happening. And in the meantime, I’m trying to not Google everything that starts with the word T (yes, I’m still kind of afraid to say it out loud).
My Week 10 Twin Pregnancy Symptoms
Two Pregnancy Symptoms: Do shock and awe count as symptoms? There’s definite excitement for tests to confirm what exactly is going on, so we can develop a plan. I’m such a planner, to live in a state of unknowing is so hard!
Babies are each the size of: Prunes (3.8cm)
Belly size in singleton weeks: 10 weeks

Read Next:
Last Week: Week 9 Twin Pregnancy Journey
Next Week: Week 11 Twin Pregnancy Journey
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