Week 9 Twin Pregnancy Story: Naps Are the Best
Vacation naps are the best. Aren’t they the best? I’ve been taking full advantage, and rocking an afternoon nap at least five days a week over the break. If only I could brainstorm how to keep this going at work… Also, Christmas cookies are also the best. I indulge in both a ton in my week 9 twin pregnancy story.

Morning sickness has actually been quite manageable over this pregnancy, all things considered, and I’m wondering if it’s because I learned how to manage it better. The first time, I thought I could get away with not eating breakfast until I got to the office. The result of which, was pulling over at stoplights to open my door and dry heave from the car – not exactly the picture of elegance.
One morning over the holidays this year, I thought I could get away with taking my prenatal vitamin before eating breakfast, just once. I should have known better, as the net result was dry heaving in a kitchen full of family members at 10am. Thanks to grade ten drama class, I was able to act my way out of it, and hid the fact that I was essentially walking and vomiting simultaneously until I could get to a restroom. Lesson learned…listen to your mom, and always eat breakfast.
My Week 9 Twin Pregnancy Symptoms
Twin Pregnancy Symptoms: Some lower back pain and cramping when I’ve been on my feet for a while…and of course the worrying that comes along with any kind of cramps at all. Tiredness and naps. Insomnia continues (picture me rolling my eyes at this point).
Babies are each the size of: Green olives (2.5cm)
Belly size in singleton weeks: 9 weeks

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Next Week: Week 10 Twin Pregnancy Story
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