Week 8 Twin Pregnancy Story: Hello, Emotions
Yup, I’m crying. The pregnancy emotions have started. Wooooonderful! My week 8 twin pregnancy story is where the emotions start to flow.
One of the more frustrating parts of pregnancy? The fact that you’re holding your emotions just below the surface. If your eyes are the breaking point for tears, it feels like my emotions are all the way from my toes up to my nose. It makes the smallest things (tv commercials, easy work conversations) emotional land mines.

I personally take pride in my ability to be a strong woman in this world. To be able to present a strong façade, even when you feel like you’re crumbling. So when all it takes to get me blubbering is a commercial about kid being excited to see her sister at Christmas, it’s all downhill from there.
I was hoping that at 8 weeks, I wouldn’t have to worry about it yet. Luckily, the holidays are around the corner, meaning a few weeks’ reprieve from the risk of letting a tear tumble at the office.
It’s not as big of a deal if you become emotional around family over the holidays, but I have a high-responsibility job at work. It sometimes involves difficult conversations. Getting emotional, or letting tears flow …oh man, I despise even thinking about it!
Week 8 Twin Pregnancy Symptoms
Symptoms: Clearly, emotions are starting to go haywire. Surprisingly little morning sickness this week, as long as I remember to eat something quickly upon waking. If I try to take my prenatal pill on an empty stomach…no dice. My stomach is still relatively flat, which I didn’t think would be the case for babe #2! Let’s see how long I can keep that up.
Babies are each the size of: Large raspberry (1.3cm)
Belly size in singleton weeks: 8 weeks
Twin Pregnancy Belly Photo
Yes, there’s a twin baby bump in there – but I also think it might just be a food baby at this stage. The 8 week twin fetuses are no more than little raspberries at this stage, and in most photos my stomach doesn’t show a bump yet. Either way – here’s to loose dresses!
But also…if I’m showing a twin baby bump already, what is it going to look like when we’re full term (which, for twins, is 36 weeks)? Gulp!

Read Next:
Last Week: Week 7 Twin Pregnancy Journey
Next Week: Week 9 Twin Pregnancy Story
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