Week 7 Twin Pregnancy Journey: We Are So Lucky
My body is creating and growing life right now. What an awe-inspiring concept that is when you really think about it. I place my hand on my lower belly, and just stop. I think about the greatness that is happening inside of me right now. It connects me, to that little life evolving in there, and to the larger Universe of connectedness that we all share. In my week 7 twin pregnancy journey, I realize that we are so, so lucky.

It’s easy to focus on the twin pregnancy symptoms (or simply pregnancy symtpoms at this point, as I didn’t yet know we were pregnant with twins). It’s easy to draw your attention to the smaller things, the fact that I was heaving in the kitchen for a minute straight this morning, after my daughter spat her half chewed cereal onto the floor.
But then I think about how lucky, how incredibly lucky I am to get this experience this.
I remind myself that not everyone is as fortunate to be able to experience pregnancy. It’s what I’ve wanted since I was a little girl, to have kiddos to love. The gratitude that I feel being able to grow this little bambino overwhelms me with love some days.
My Week 7 Twin Pregnancy Symptoms
Symptoms: The usual: insomnia, morning nausea. The husband has been complaining of insomnia this week too. Is pregnancy sympathy insomnia a thing? Or am I inadvertently affecting his ability to sleep with all my tossing and turning?
Babies are each the size of: Blueberries (0.63cm)
Belly size in singleton weeks: 7 weeks

Read Next:
Last Week: Week 6 Twin Pregnancy Journey
Next Week: Week 8 Twin Pregnancy Story
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