Week 6 Twin Pregnancy Journey: Life Returns to Normal
After finding out we were pregnant, life has pretty much gone back to normal. In my Week 6 twin pregnancy journey, work has continues and life keeps moving forward.
This pregnancy has been different, in that our first felt all-consuming. Time crawled, and the months to meet our little orange seed felt like years. Maybe it’s because I now know the process better, or that this is likely to be our last pregnancy, or simply that I want to treasure each week before it’s gone.

But the days of reading every article on pregnancy apps, of willing hours to pass so we get closer to the 9-month mark just aren’t as strong this time around. Of course I’m still excited, and so, so happy. But the first time around I just couldn’t WAIT to become a mother. Now I already am!
I also had the first night out with colleagues that required pretending to drink alcohol this week. When the waitress comes to take drink orders, you get creative. After ordering a pina colada, I immediately excused myself and tracked down our server as she was entering orders. “The cocktail I ordered,” I told her on the sly. “Can you discreetly make mine a virgin?” She smiled in understanding, and returned with a wink when she delivered my ‘pina colada’ to the table.
My Week 6 Twin Pregnancy Symptoms
Symptoms: I dry heaved for the first time while getting ready for work. For some reason, my morning sickness is usually triggered by taking a prenatal multivitamin on an empty stomach. I’m trying to change the time I take it, but that makes it so much easier to forget.
Insomnia and queasiness also continue…and they’re a great combination by the way! Lying in bed nauseous in the middle of the night is a true joy of pregnancy. Also, my appetite is starting to spike. I had tacos for lunch the other day, the first time I’ve ever eaten cheap takeout tacos in my life. And in that moment, I could have sworn that their rich aroma of spices was one of the best things I had ever smelled.
Babies are each the size of: Sweet peas. My little sweet peas!
Belly size in singleton weeks: 6 weeks.

Read next:
Last Week: Week 5 Twin Pregnancy Journey
Next Week: Week 7 Twin Pregnancy Journey
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