Week 5 Twin Pregnancy Journey – It’s Confirmed!
It’s confirmed! We are pregnant – and so excited. I can’t believe it happened so quickly, but it’s real! Welcome to my week 5 twin pregnancy journey.

I feel so lucky and happy. But…it’s also happening just a month into a new job. How are they going to react, especially knowing how much time we get off for maternity leave? I hope they’ll understand…we’ll need to figure out a plan. It’s just one of the struggles that are unique to women in their careers. When men find out they’re having a baby, they don’t have to worry about how their offices are going to react.
It’s the eternal struggle, trying to figure out the right balance between career and mamahood. If anyone has figured out the perfect balance, can you let me know?
But at the same time, I also can’t believe what a blessing this is. I’m so, so happy and grateful for this huge blessing to be able to experience pregnancy and bring a life into this world.
My Week 5 Twin Pregnancy Symptoms
Symptoms: Insomnia is real. I’ve been awake for 2 hours overnight for many of the last few nights. I know it’s supposed to prepare you for being awake with bebe, but really? 8 months early? Sigh. There are no symptoms waking me up, no reason to be laying there staring at a dark ceiling. But insomnia was the first symptom with baby # 1 as well. I’m told it’s mother nature’s way of preparing you for middle of the night feedings, but I say give a girl a few months reprieve!
Babies are each the size of: Orange seeds. That’s a big jump from the poppy seed of week 4!
Belly size in singleton weeks: 5 weeks

Read next:
Last Week: Week 4 Twin Pregnancy Journey
Next Week: Week 6 Twin Pregnancy Journey